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 How to fix the workbook name

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fly1342 Posted - 09/18/2022 : 8:09:21 PM
If I Make a worksheet, the workbook name become something like this.
'Book3 - minuschart'

When I make a new worksheet like below.
wks_minus = op.new_sheet('w', 'minuschart')

But later when I want to refer to the book.
I have to refer to the workbook as below..

wb = op.find_book('w', 'Book3')

Is there any way to fix the workbook name as I want when making the worksheet?
Or Do I have to make a workbook and then make a worksheet linked to it?

Since the naming of the book keeps changing everytime I make a worksheet, I'm having a hard time referring to the workbook I want.

Please help ^^ㅠㅠ

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
minimax Posted - 09/20/2022 : 03:33:34 AM
Good to know it is solved now.

There is some further comments:

The 2nd argument in new_sheet() is a kind of dynamic.

When it is a valid short name, it will be set as the short name of the book,
when it is not, it will be set as the long name of the book.

And underbar is not a valid character for short name in Origin.

See more in
fly1342 Posted - 09/20/2022 : 01:36:06 AM
Thank you very much for your support.

I was keep trying ..
op.new_sheet('w', 'plus_chart')

But it didn't work.
But when I tried below it worked.

op.new_sheet('w', 'plusBook')

Seems that if underbar is in the naming, it doesn't get applied as the Book name.

I should have tried it... Sorry and Thanks for your support!

minimax Posted - 09/19/2022 : 9:47:19 PM

Sorry that we are not very sure what you need.

1. You can specify the book name on new sheet moment, like
wks=op.new_sheet('w', 'hello')

but note that it will try enumeration if there already exists a book named as "hello".

2. the book name does not affect the subsequent load excel action, as long as you have the worksheet object. like
f = op.path('e')+r'Samples\Graphing\Excel Data.xls'

3. If you do need the book name, you can try
print('hello'  #rename short name
wb.lname='world'  #rename long name

fly1342 Posted - 09/19/2022 : 7:42:31 PM
The question was how to change the book name.
When I make a new sheet the book name keeps changing
Book1 Book2 Book3 .. etc.

What I want to do is after making a new worksheet by loading excel.
I want to refer to the following worksheet(workbook) and add some calculations to make a new worksheet.

I can make a new worksheet by adding a sheet with the above method that you mentioned..

But I have to refer to the Worksheet that I loaded excel with.
But when I load excel with the below method.


The Book name is made randomly.
So I want to know how I could fix the book name to a specific name.

So I can refer to the book with the following method below.
wb = op.find_book('w', 'Book_name')

Since if I don't fix the Book name, it keeps changing everytime I make a new worksheet.

minimax Posted - 09/19/2022 : 05:44:07 AM

Please try using add_sheet()


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