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 Can't plot 8x12 graphs using template

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cts18488 Posted - 01/20/2023 : 10:49:48 AM
Origin Ver. 2021b and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Win 10 ent


I am trying to plot a 8x12 plots (see picture attached) using originpro module in python and a template. However, when the software is trying to plot the graph I get the following error:
gl_0 = gr1[0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

If I try a 4x4 plot, everything is working fine. Appreciate any help.

The code is below:

def origin_shutdown_exception_hook(exctype, value, traceback):
    '''Ensures Origin gets shut down if an uncaught exception'''
    sys.__excepthook__(exctype, value, traceback)
if op and op.oext:
    sys.excepthook = origin_shutdown_exception_hook

if op.oext:

wks = op.new_sheet(lname = 'HTCD') # for normal plots = 'HTCD'

wks.from_list(0, htcd_file[0], lname='Wavelength', units='nm')

for i in range(1, 97):
    wks.from_list(i, htcd_file[i], lname=f'{i}', comments=f'spectrum {i}')

path_template = os.getcwd()

new_path_template = path_template.replace('/', '\\')

gr1 = op.new_graph(template=(new_path_template + '\\Origin templates\\htcd.otpu'), lname='HTCD')
gl_0 = gr1[0]
g0 = gl_0.add_plot(wks, coly='B', colx='A', type=202)

gl_1= gr1[1]
p1 = gl_1.add_plot(wks, coly='C', colx='A', type=202)

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cts18488 Posted - 01/23/2023 : 09:08:18 AM
I have solved the problem. The issue was related with the current directory hence the graph template was not read. Sorry and thank you for your help.
Originally posted by cts18488

Origin Ver. 2021b and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Win 10 ent


I am trying to plot a 8x12 plots (see picture attached) using originpro module in python and a template. However, when the software is trying to plot the graph I get the following error:
gl_0 = gr1[0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

If I try a 4x4 plot, everything is working fine. Appreciate any help.

The code is below:

def origin_shutdown_exception_hook(exctype, value, traceback):
    '''Ensures Origin gets shut down if an uncaught exception'''
    sys.__excepthook__(exctype, value, traceback)
if op and op.oext:
    sys.excepthook = origin_shutdown_exception_hook

if op.oext:

wks = op.new_sheet(lname = 'HTCD') # for normal plots = 'HTCD'

wks.from_list(0, htcd_file[0], lname='Wavelength', units='nm')

for i in range(1, 97):
    wks.from_list(i, htcd_file[i], lname=f'{i}', comments=f'spectrum {i}')

path_template = os.getcwd()

new_path_template = path_template.replace('/', '\\')

gr1 = op.new_graph(template=(new_path_template + '\\Origin templates\\htcd.otpu'), lname='HTCD')
gl_0 = gr1[0]
g0 = gl_0.add_plot(wks, coly='B', colx='A', type=202)

gl_1= gr1[1]
p1 = gl_1.add_plot(wks, coly='C', colx='A', type=202)

cts18488 Posted - 01/21/2023 : 3:11:30 PM
Here it is the template
Originally posted by YimingChen

I couldn't reproduce the issue. Can you share the graph template (htcd.otpu) for us to test? Thanks.

YimingChen Posted - 01/20/2023 : 3:06:23 PM
I couldn't reproduce the issue. Can you share the graph template (htcd.otpu) for us to test? Thanks.


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