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 Layer and Object grid show strange properties

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alexander.steppke Posted - 12/08/2011 : 11:51:27 AM
Hello everybody,

with Origin 8.5.1 I am trying to use the object and layer grid and it does not work at all how I intended to use it. Either I am understanding this completely wrong or there are several bugs in the function.

To reproduce: Create a new graph, turn on layer grid. Now I changed the page size to 2000x2000 pixels. Under Tools->Options->Page I have a 40 pixel layer and 40 pixel object grid. If I activate the grid with view->show layer grid I get a grid with 12.5 x 12.5 squares. So somehow an unknown scaling is happening in the background. For a 2000x3000 pixel page size the grid is stretched, so definitely not 40x40 pixels anymore.

Additionally the object grid is scaled with the layer size, even if it should always be 40 pixels? If I add more layers to the page each layer gets and indvidual grid and aligning things on different layers is very hard to do and why should you have a grid in the first place if it is different for each layer?

Is it possible in Origin as the menu entry under Tools->Options suggests to have a fixed quadratic grid or some other workaround?

Thank your for any suggestions!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpyang Posted - 12/09/2011 : 8:18:31 PM
You are right, those numbers are not in pixels. It is amazing that something so obviously wrong can survive 15 years with nobody complaining about it, until now, that is.

Under Tools->Options->Page, those numbers are in fraction of 500, I know, some internal strange arbitrary thing, should have been converted to percent in the dialog but apparently was not done. So if you to divide the page by 10 blocks, you enter a value of 50.

Basically, you divide the number you enter by 5 to get the width and height of each block as a percent of the total size. For Axis/Layer, this total size is that of the page/paper, and for objects, it is the size of the layer bounding box.


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