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 Change the color of some selected nodes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tin Tin Posted - 01/25/2012 : 9:24:32 PM
Hi everyone,

Im quite new to Origin and im using version 8.5. I have one question, can any one please help me?

I have a set of nodal data including x & y coordinate, and the z value - nodal force on each node. I wanna draw a graph which has a grid of nodes (x, y coordinates. In this graph, the nodes have the z value > A should be black. On the other hand, it should be white if the z value < A.

Any one know how to set up like this in OriginPro 8.5

Thank you so much
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 01/30/2012 : 3:01:44 PM
Konnichiwa and hello Tin Tin,

I found a better and easier way, in which you only need add only one extra column
to control the color to use the color "indexing". Please see the attached
screenshot. Here, the column D contains the color numbers 1(BLACK) by the
condition of positive Z. and 18(WHITE) for negative Z.

Hope you like this.

--Hideo Fujii
Tin Tin Posted - 01/26/2012 : 11:08:12 PM
Wow, thats exactly what Im looking for.

Thank you so much Hideo Fujii. By the way, are you Japanese?

Hideo Fujii Posted - 01/26/2012 : 10:54:21 AM
Hi Tin Tin,

This can be an approach. See the screenshot below. 

1) Make additional two sets of XY columns to your XYZ worksheet. 
2) In Set Column Values tool, use the conditional operator 
  (syntax: <CONDITION>?<TRUE>:<FAULSE>) to select Z>=A or Z<A 
  to set each set of XY columns ( D(X)E(Y) and F(X)G(Y) in the sample).
  (Note: 1/0 here indicates a missing value.)
3) Make a scatter plot from these added four columns.

Hope this is helpful. 

--Hideo Fujii

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