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 Numbers from Excel shown in graph?

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Johan Lif Posted - 01/27/2012 : 07:55:12 AM
I have a graph where I want to have automatically updated numbers which stands in an excel table. The lines in the graph updates automatically but I would also like to have the numbers in a small table on the side which also is updated accordingly to the excel changes.
Anyone that have a solution?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Johan Lif Posted - 01/30/2012 : 04:04:34 AM
Thank you, that made it
easwar Posted - 01/27/2012 : 5:38:01 PM
Hi Johan,

Try the following:
1> Right click inside the graph and select the "New Table..." context menu
2> In the dialog that opens, specify the number of columns and rows you want, and other things like table title if desired, then click OK. This will add a blank table to the graph
3> Double click on this table, it will pop open an Origin worksheet
4> Go to your Excel sheet inside Origin, then select the desired data cells, and right click and select Copy
5> Go to the Origin worksheet corresponding to the table, and click on the top left cell, then right click and select "Paste Link"

The above will establish links between the Excel cells and the table cells, so now if you change the numbers in your Excel sheet, the table displayed in the graph will update to show the changed numbers.

Is this what you were looking for?


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