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 really basic axis title question

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mgreenw Posted - 01/31/2012 : 3:36:41 PM
I found a similar thread, but I don't think it ever really answered the question. All I want to do is position the Y axis title centered vertically with respect to the Y axis. I can't Ctrl-click or Shift-click on both the axis title and the Y axis in order to use the align buttons. What am I doing wrong? Please, keep it simple, I've only been using this program for about 24 hours.

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8
Operating System: Windows 7
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mgreenw Posted - 02/02/2012 : 3:55:46 PM
Hideo- I tried your suggestion again and it does work. Not sure what I was doing before. Thanks!
Hideo Fujii Posted - 02/02/2012 : 2:43:21 PM
Hi mgreenw,

SHIFT+clicking multiple objects such as axis labels, line objects, etc. (except the axis or layer itself in Origin8) to select them together should work. Maybe you can call OriginLab Tech Support (1-800-969-7720, if you're in US/Canada). They have a tool to show or to be shown your/their monitor each other.

--Hideo Fujii
mgreenw Posted - 02/02/2012 : 12:06:59 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, but that doesn't work either. I'm not able to select the plot, the Y axis, or the Y axis title and any other object (including a line), at the same time. And it looks to me like the default vertical alignment of the Y axis title is to the combination of the plot and the X axis labels together, instead of what I want- the plot alone. Oh well, I guess I need to just reconcile myself to this situation.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 02/02/2012 : 11:15:28 AM

I have confirmed that the Drbobshepherd's method(SHIFT+select the layer and the axis title, and press the Horizontal Alignment button) works since Origin ver. 8.1; sorry but out of luck in 8.0.
Maybe a cheep work-around for you can be: first draw a vertical line parallel to the Y axis, SHIFT+select the line and the Y axis tile, press the alignment button, then delete this yardstick line.

--Hideo Fujii
Drbobshepherd Posted - 02/01/2012 : 3:55:48 PM
As a last resort, you could try plotting the same data to another graph window. Enter axis titles in the proper column headings before plotting and, by default, the new labels will be centered.
mgreenw Posted - 02/01/2012 : 10:30:44 AM
Maybe it's something quirky about the version I'm using. Thanks for the suggestion about the order in which I select the two objects, but that didn't work either.
Drbobshepherd Posted - 02/01/2012 : 10:14:55 AM
Perhaps my suggestion doesn't work in ver.8, but I tried it with ver. 8.5 and 8.6 and it does. However, I found I must select the plot area first, then shift-click on the axis label; I can't select them both if I reverse the order. Did you try selecting the plot area first?
mgreenw Posted - 01/31/2012 : 7:04:52 PM
That's exactly my problem- I can't do that. I can't select both the plot and the axis title. I can, for instance, select both the legend and the title, or select both axis titles, and then the alignment buttons are available. But I can't shift-click and select the plot and any other element.
Drbobshepherd Posted - 01/31/2012 : 6:36:44 PM
Select the plot rectangle by clicking in a blank area. Hold the shift-key down and click on the Y-axis title. Both plot-area and Y-axis title should now be highlighted. Then click on the Horizontal Align tool in the Object Edit toolbar.


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