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 Convert line plot to polyline

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dddang Posted - 02/07/2012 : 07:49:40 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.0
Operating System:Windows 7 X86

Is there any way to convert a line plot to a polyline object.
I noticed that plot template does not contain plot data,,,,,but i have some similar plot combined with fixed lines and variable data point.So ,i hope i can convert line plot to polyline object then i can save as template to plot different variable data point.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dddang Posted - 02/08/2012 : 9:57:35 PM
Yes,the limitations are:
1.Do not change size when resize plot
2.Do not change direction when reverse axis scale.

Thanks very much and expecting the next version will solve these problems.I have written an origin C script to convert the line plot to polyline object,but i think EMF is the best way to design templates.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 02/08/2012 : 1:58:59 PM
Hi dddang,

Yes, I have confirmed the limitation. Though you can change the size of the attached image manually, the size doesn't change automatically when the attached layer size is changed. I will request our developers to fix the problem.

--Hideo Fujii
dddang Posted - 02/07/2012 : 9:29:14 PM
I have to say it is a workable way .
The question is when i resize the plot the EMF object does not change size even i attach EMF to layer and scale.Is it a bug of origin?So, if i use this way to make template i can not resize the plot.

I think the great Origin still has space to improve.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 02/07/2012 : 11:33:24 AM
Hi dddang,

Though not making a polyline object, you can make an EMF image object by copying the graph page ("Edit: Copy Page" menu); then you can paste it to any graph which is saved as a template. (If you like, you can first select-and-delete each axis, axis label, axis tile, and legend before Copy Page.)

Does it achieve what you intended?

--Hideo Fujii

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