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 FIFO charts in Origin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alu Posted - 02/13/2012 : 05:18:15 AM
Origin Ver. 8 and Service Release 5:
Operating System: WIN7

Is there a way in Origin to plot on a chart extremely long series of data acquired as a function of time, similar to the FIFO module on Igor Pro?



<b>Dr. Andrea Lucarelli
R&D – Superconducting Magnets </b>
Bruker BioSpin AG phone +41 44 825 91 11
Industriestrasse 26 direct +41 44 825 95 23
8117 Fällanden, Switzerland fax +41 44 825 94 93

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 02/15/2012 : 09:47:24 AM
Apart from the Real-Time examples in LabView, note that Origin has always been able to plot against Date and Time using real values - not just text.
For any very large dataset, new features in Origin 8.6 make zooming and panning in such datasets very easy.
Using the mouse wheel (or + and - keys if your mouse lacks a wheel):
Hold Down Wheel Up (+) Wheel Down (-)
========= ============ ==============
Z Zoom In X Zoom Out X
Shift+Z Zoom In Y Zoom Out Y
X Pan Right X Pan Left X
Shift+X Pan Up Y Pan Down Y
Hideo Fujii Posted - 02/13/2012 : 11:07:50 AM
Dear Andrea Lucarelli,

I have talked to my colleagues, and maybe you are using a NI device probably via LabVIEW, aren't you.

If so, you can look at the document at:

You can look at some of the examples there (which are also included in the product).

Hope this helps you.

--Hideo Fujii

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