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 Batch Graphics Export

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
amistadorio Posted - 02/18/2012 : 05:47:03 AM

I need to export all my graphics of the project (plain way, I don't need to customize them one-by-one).

How should I do???????

If there is some script to write, please, tell me WHERE to write (the right sequence of mouse-clicks...)
I've been using origin, but I don't know it at all, I think it is pretty a kludge. But now I do need to export all my plots...

Thank you for your compassion!


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
amistadorio Posted - 02/20/2012 : 12:45:12 PM
Ok, I am dumb!!

Thank u very much...

Anyway, I think it would be the moment to improve Origin GUI and logical organization.

easwar Posted - 02/20/2012 : 12:04:46 PM
Hi Mike,

I think you have multiple graphs in your folder/project and want to export them all, resulting in individual export files for each graph?

If that is what you are looking for, do the following:
1> With any graph active, go to File->Export Graphs... menu to open the "expGraph" dialog
2> In the "Export" drop-down, the 2nd one, select All in Project, or All in Active Folder etc, or you can even select Specified, and then click the "..." button to build a custom list of what graphs to export
3> Change other settings as desired, such as how to name the graphs, what export format to use etc
4> Click OK and all your graphs will be exported

Drbobshepherd Posted - 02/20/2012 : 10:50:10 AM
Have you tried the drop-down menu: File/Export/As multifile PDF file ?

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