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 plot graph and name it

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ONeilll Posted - 02/20/2012 : 08:40:17 AM
Hello everybody.
I use Origin v8.0951 and I try to do following. With drag & drop I can import and directly plot some data from a .txt file. I use following command:
plotxy iy:=((1,2)) plot:=200 ogl:=[<new template:= WAXSPublikation name:= FileName>];
The graph I get from this is now named "FileName", but I would like to get the real filename from what the data is extractet.

For example:
I have the file with the name "abc.txt", then the graphname should be abc.txt, that would be great ;-). Even just the name "abc" would be better, but I think thats much more complicate.

Thanks for help.

Cheers Chris
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Drbobshepherd Posted - 02/23/2012 : 6:53:01 PM
I suggest you divide the two ranges into separate columns (a.k.a. datasets). Label each with a unique long name or comment. Then plot.
Your labels should then show up in the legend.
ONeilll Posted - 02/23/2012 : 11:30:42 AM
Hello DrBobShepherd, thanks again.

Now the script wothout time delay works perfect, I donīt know the reason, thank you very much. :-)

Another filter I use is the following:
// Define two ranges from col 2 of the worksheet
range r1=2[1:32], r2=2[33:72];
// Plot first range creating a new graph
plotxy iy:=r1 plot:=202;
// Plot second range into same layer of the graph
plotxy iy:=r2 plot:=202 ogl:=1;

I would like to optimize it in the same way as described above. Can you tell me how?
Drbobshepherd Posted - 02/21/2012 : 10:39:03 AM
Has your script been saved with your filter? Could you be using the wrong import filter (you might be using the default ascii-import filter)?

If you are using the correct filter(the one with your script), your script should be executing immediately after the import. Perhaps a short time-delay is needed. Try the following line before the plotxy command:

sec -p 0.5; // A 0.5 second pause.

Please let me know if this works.

ONeilll Posted - 02/21/2012 : 04:20:10 AM
Hi Drbobshepherd and thank you for your help!

Originally posted by Drbobshepherd

Is your plotxy command executed in your import filter? If so, then I believe you are in luck.

Yes it is.

Originally posted by Drbobshepherd$; // Get filename.
plotxy iy:=((1,2)) plot:=200 ogl:=[<new template:= WAXSPublikation name:= %A>]; // Plot data, rename the graph window.

When I change my Importfilter (in the wizzard) with your changes, I just get the importet worksheet, but no automatic plot, aned even no warning that anything is wrong.
When I execute the command "plotxy iy:=((1,2)) plot:=200 ogl:=[<new template:= WAXSPublikation name:= %A>];" after the import than I get the plot that I want to get.
Is there any change to change the wizzar settings that this works automatically? Thank you very much.

Cheers Chris
Drbobshepherd Posted - 02/20/2012 : 10:45:06 AM
Is your plotxy command executed in your import filter? If so, then I believe you are in luck.

The filename of the latest file imported is saved in the page tree. So, edit your filter script to do this:$; // Get filename.
plotxy iy:=((1,2)) plot:=200 ogl:=[<new template:= WAXSPublikation name:= %A>]; // Plot data, rename the graph window.

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