T O P I C R E V I E W |
RyanPitt |
Posted - 02/21/2012 : 2:58:33 PM Origin Ver. and Service Release: OriginPro 8.6.0 Sr1 Operating System: Windows 7 32 bit
I have entered a data set and have normalized the values of the y-axis. I want to perform a baseline subtraction on my data set. I highlighted my data then went to analysis, then peaks and baseline, and peak analyzer.... I get an error message each time saying that no data is selected. I have tried highlighting both x and y axis data and just the normalized y data. I get the no data selected error each time. I have also tried to do this when on the plot's screen and still no luck. Why is the program saying that I do not have data selected even though I have it highlighted? Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you.
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
easwar |
Posted - 02/22/2012 : 5:08:58 PM Hi Ryan,
If you are setting the long name while importing, assign this information to the comments instead of long names, this way the information can stay, and you will still be able to use the tool. Options exist in ascii import or import wizard etc to assign subheader lines to comments instead of long name.
Easwar OriginLab |
RyanPitt |
Posted - 02/22/2012 : 5:08:45 PM Thank you very much! This solved the problem. |
greg |
Posted - 02/22/2012 : 4:53:09 PM Removing the double quotes (or changing them to single quotes) in the Long Name of your X column will resolve the problem.
The Peak Analyzer always checks that the active data is valid according to the formal syntax which is [BookName]SheetName!(XShortName"XLongName",YShortName"YLongName") e.g. [Book1]Sheet1!(A"My "Sample X"",B"Y Data") in a case where my X column Long Name is My "Sample X".
Normally, double quotes within the Long Names of X or Y are not a problem, but you have stumbled upon a specific case where it IS a problem: When the column long name contains a single pair of double quotes where the last character in the Long Name is a double-quote, then Peak Analyzer thinks the data is not valid and puts up the Attention! box with "No data selected".
Recorded as a bug. Thanks for the catch. |
RyanPitt |
Posted - 02/22/2012 : 11:22:15 AM I just recently purchased OriginPro. I have tried to perform the listed operations on multiple data sets of the same type with the same results. I will send one of the projects to tech support. Thank you for your time. |
easwar |
Posted - 02/22/2012 : 10:36:53 AM Hi Ryan,
Does this happen with any data, or one particular project? If one particular project, can you send that to tech support? Use the "Send File to Tech Support" link on top right of this page.
Easwar OriginLab |