Hi glider27,
You first need to convert your formatted worksheet to a
3-column XYZ worksheet, then need to convert it to a matrix.
From a matrix, you can make a 3D surface plot. The following
is a possible procedure:
1) Run the following script to get an XYZ worksheet:
Bk1$=%H; //current wks
newbook; //make a new wkbook
Bk2$=%H; //output wks
wks.addCol(); //add a col
wks.col3.type=6; //set as Z
nc1=bk1$!wks.nCols/2; //col pairs
nr1=bk1$!wks.maxRows; //rows
for(jj=1; jj<=nc1; jj++) { //loop for cols
range B1x=[Bk1$]!wcol(2*(jj-1)+1);
range B1yz=[Bk1$]!wcol(2*(jj-1)+2);
for(ii=2; ii<=nr1; ii++) { //loop for rows
xx=B1x[ii]; //current x
yy=B1yz[1]; //current y
zz=B1yz[ii]; //current z
range B2x=[Bk2$]!1;
range B2y=[Bk2$]!2;
range B2z=[Bk2$]!3;
type -b %(Bk2$) with $(ii2) rows has been created;
2) Convert the XYZ worksheet to a matrix by gridding by
"Worksheet: Convert to Matrix: XYZ Gridding" menu.
(You should find the best-suited gridding algorithm such as
"Random (Thin Plate Spline) and its parameters by some experiments)
3) Once you obtain a matrix, you can make a 3D Surface plot by e.g.,
"Plot: 3D Surface: Color Map Surface" menu.
Hope this is helpful for you.
--Hideo Fujii