Maybe you can use the Worksheet Query tool ("Worksheet: Worksheet Query" menu)
with a conditions like (say, when column A contains the error value, 100):
Or, if more than one columns (say columns A and B) contains 100, then:
A!=100 AND B!=100
If the result is satisfactory, you can erase the original worksheet. You can save
your query by choosing "File: Save" menu INSIDE the Worksheet Query tool
for the future reuse.)
Does this work for you?
--Hideo Fujii
P.S. If you don't want to make a copy of the worksheet, and want to delete
error rows directly, you can make a script like:nr=wks.maxRows;
for(ii=1;ii<=nr;ii++) {
if(col(A)[ii]==100) {
range r1 = col(A)[ii:ii];
mark -d r1;
But be careful, the result is not undoable.