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 Questions on converting numeric matrix into image

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
redman Posted - 06/11/2012 : 06:03:48 AM
Origin Ver.and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.6. SR3
Operating System: Windowds 7 x64

I'm tring to do some 2D FFT on images and want to convert the FFT numeric matrices into images.It seems FFT images with proper exposure can be exported directly from the FFT numeric matrices by the FILE/ EXPORT/IMAGE menu. However, it is hard to produce any proper images
by the IMAGE/CONVERSION/CONVERT TO IMAGE menu as the data span too large a dynamic range, for example, from 1.0 to 1.0E10.

My questions are:
1. what's the algorithm for exporting a numeric matrix into an image? Is it similar to that we acquire an image by cameras?
2. is it possible to further control the parameters by programing?


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 06/11/2012 : 12:01:03 PM
Hi Redman,

The issue here is really the data range, which for the 2DFFT output span a large range over many decades.

When exporting as image, or converting to image, the mapping is done linearly, and currently there is no option to change the mapping.

How about the following instead?
-> Create an image plot of the data matrix
-> Double-click to go to Plot details, you can then set the color map any way you want, such as using a log scale for intensities, setting number of desired levels, applying a palette for color etc
-> Optionally turn off the axes if you want just an image with no axes scales
-> Export the graph as raster/vector file

This may work better, as you will then have much more control over the mapping of colors.


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