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 Origin slow, sometime not responding

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sunraincyq Posted - 06/12/2012 : 11:48:13 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.5 SR1
Operating System:Windows 7 64bit

Hi, I've been using this origin version for quite a while without any problem. However, recently origin runs very slowly, even just for starting the software(like several min), not to mention importing files, drawing and other operations,which usually gives no responding. I just opened origin without running other applications. I also tried other versions and re install the software. Had the same problem. So I'm thinking there maybe some files or link wrong between the software and my laptop. However other applications runs OK as normal. Could you help me identify the problem? Thanks ahead.

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gavinji Posted - 10/29/2017 : 07:50:48 AM
I want to emphasize that this was also my problem and it affected other programs as well in strange ways. Go to device and printers (just search it) and right click on a different printer than the network printer you already have as the default and set the new printer as default (eg send to one note or XPS writer). that should solve the problem.
sunraincyq Posted - 06/15/2012 : 12:28:16 PM
Hi Snow,

1. a network printer.

2. In fact, I haven't accessed to this printer for around 1 month. And I can't connect to it now since the printer was moved to other places by IT people. Sorry that I don't know where I can find it. As far as I can remember it's HP LaserJet 2400 or 24xx series.

3. Back to when I can access to the printer, Word and PDF worked well with the printer.

Thanks so much.
snowli Posted - 06/15/2012 : 10:00:32 AM
Hi Yuqing,
Great to know that.
Do you mind answering the following questions which will help us debug?
1. Is the problematic printer a network printer or on your own PC.

2. What is the printer version? You can right click the printer and choose *Printer Properties* context menu. Could you get a snapshot of the About tab of the dialog. We want to try to reproduce the problem here.

3. Does printing to that printer from other applications, e.g. Word, PPT work?

Thanks, Snow Li
sunraincyq Posted - 06/14/2012 : 3:49:15 PM
Hi Snow,

I just changed the default printer and the origin went back to normal operation without slow, not responding problem.

The previous printer is: HP LaserJet 2300 Series PS.

Thanks so much.
snowli Posted - 06/14/2012 : 3:26:30 PM
Hi Yuqing,

Our developer said the log file indicatse it's printer related. Did you change printer recently?

Could you change the active printer or just disable the default printer and check if the problem still exist?

And could you let us know the exact info. about the printer and its driver (version, etc.) so we could try here if such printer driver are causing the issues.

Thank you very much!

Snow Li
sunraincyq Posted - 06/14/2012 : 12:14:22 AM
Hi Snow,

I just uploaded the log file to the incoming folder in FTP server: Yuqing-ORIGIN_LOG.TXT

sunraincyq Posted - 06/14/2012 : 12:06:29 AM
Hi Snow,
Thank you very much for your detailed and organized answer.

1. The processor of my laptop is Intel Core(TM) i3 CPU M370@2.4GHZ 2.4GHZ. I believe it's a dual core.
2. Origin is installed in C:\Program files(x86)\OriginLab\Origin85
3. User files folder is: C:\Users\YuqingChen\Documents\OriginLab\85\User Files4. debug_log has been set to value 2.
0 means logging is off, > 0 means logging is on.
The ORIGIN_LOG.TXT file is at C:\Users\YUQING~1\AppData\Local\Temp
I performed several actions like importing data(not responding, have to close the program), plotting data. I'll send the log file to tech support.

Thanks again for your help.
snowli Posted - 06/13/2012 : 4:12:45 PM
Hi Yuqing,

Could you check the following things.
1. If it's dual core machine or not.
2. Where is Origin installed into. Which folder.
3. Where is your User Files Folder? You can choose Window: Script window menu in Origin. Then run %y= to get the info. Is it on your local PC with written privilege or is it on network. Sometimes UFF on network can cause slowness.
4. Could you generate a debug log file for us.
Here are the steps:
1) Start Origin.
2) Select Window:Script Window to open the Script window.
3) Type the following in the Script window and then press ENTER:
debug_log 2

4) The debug log file name and save location will be returned in the Script window. Make note of this.
5) Close Origin and then restart Origin to start the debug log file generation.
6) Perform the steps that illustrate the problem. E.g. import data. Drawing.
7. Close Origin.
8. Send the log file to us. - You can find How to Send File to Tech support link on the top right corner of the post page
9. Please run debug_log 0 in Script window again to turn off the debug log. Otherwise it may make your Origin even slower.

Additional Notes:
The debug_log 2 command turns on logging and keeps 2MB worth of data between sessions.
To turn on logging and re-write the log file at every Origin startup, use debug_log 1 instead.
To view the current status of logging, and to find the debug log file name and save location, use debug_log.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

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