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 3d scatter plot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rowed79 Posted - 06/19/2012 : 4:18:46 PM
Origin 8.5.1 SR2
Windows 7 (64-bit)

I'm trying to make a simple 3d scatter plot, but the z-axis won't accept tick labels (nor can I select it from the plot box). I think I made the mistake of creating the plot before I had labeled the z-axis with "set as z" in the worksheet. Even so, now that I've done that, I can't force the z-axis to have tick labels (or ticks). At best, I get it to look like this (I'd like to be able to see the tick marks on 'crystallite size' axis):

Any thoughts? I'm guessing I might need to save over a template or something like that?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/26/2012 : 4:28:02 PM
Hi Dave,

Currently Origin doesn't support the 3-D shaped XYZ Column chart,
and we are working to provide such feature in the coming version.

Sorry for the inconvenience for now, and please keep tuned.

--Hideo Fujii
andre85 Posted - 06/25/2012 : 10:12:21 PM
Hi Hideo,

Further to the 3D scatter plots, I am struggling to get 3D shaped bars instead of these lollipop type bars. Is it possible to do this in Origin?
rowed79 Posted - 06/25/2012 : 8:22:59 PM
Thanks Hideo,

The 3D.otp file was the correct template still, but somehow Origin was accessing a different version of a template. So I opened the proper version of 3D.otp, then 'save template as...' and saved over whatever version of template it was using, and now it seems to work fine.

Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/19/2012 : 5:43:20 PM
Hi Dave,

When you create a new 3D Scatter, it always shows in that way (at the default projection angles)? If so, I guess that you accidentally saved your previous 3D scatter as a template. If so, go to your User Files Folder(UFF) - enter %Y= and press ENTER key in the Script window, then delete two files:
&nsbsp;&nsbsp;&nsbsp;#160;#160;#160; 3D.otp and 3D.emf

Please check.

--Hideo Fujii

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