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 Simultaneous Signal Smoothing for Multiple Y-axes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
davidandersoniii Posted - 06/25/2012 : 1:33:52 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.0724
Operating System: Windows 7

I am trying to smooth multiple spectral data sets in the same workbook. Currently, I have been smoothing each sample manually, but it is quite tedious since I have over 100 samples (1 in each y-column). Is there a way to smooth multiple/all the columns simultaneously?

Help would be appreciated.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/26/2012 : 1:45:35 PM
Hi davidandersoniii,

If you are using Origin 8.6, without relying on scripting, you can use the features of
"Repeat Analysis on All Plots in Graph or All Columns in Worksheet", when you first run
one try-out analysis with recalculation mode ON (Automatic or Manual), then you
can apply the same analysis command, like smoothing, to the rest of Y columns in the
worksheet, or to the plots in the graph (even in other layers!).
Please see the screenshot below. You can see this repeating analysis option when you
left-click the "Lock" icon in the column header, or under the layer icon, respectively.

Please be aware that if your first try-out was executed to produce the output
overwritten on the input dataset (as Output=<input>), then you don't get the
recalculation Lock icon - therefore you cannot use this method.

Hope you try to take advantage of this useful feature.

--Hideo Fujii
davidandersoniii Posted - 06/26/2012 : 11:56:39 AM

Originally posted by Drbobshepherd

If I had that many columns to process, I would open the command window and execute a loop command, such as the following example:

loop(ii,2,100) {%A=$(ii);smooth iy:=Col(%A);}

This will smooth columns 2-100, using the "smooth" X-function (if your version has it). Look up "smooth" in the Programming Help files to help select the best options for your smoothing routine.


Drbobshepherd Posted - 06/26/2012 : 11:52:20 AM
If I had that many columns to process, I would open the command window and execute a loop command, such as the following example:

loop(ii,2,100) {%A=$(ii);smooth iy:=Col(%A);}

This will smooth columns 2-100, using the "smooth" X-function (if your version has it). Look up "smooth" in the Programming Help files to help select the best options for your smoothing routine.


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