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 Differentiate multiple y columns

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
davidandersoniii Posted - 06/28/2012 : 3:06:28 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 8.6
Operating System: Windows 7

How can I differentiate multiple Y columns? I am not good at executing labtalk scripts, so an example script to put into the command line would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davidandersoniii Posted - 06/29/2012 : 2:51:02 PM
Thank you very much.

Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi davidandersoniii,

Here is a sample script, which can take care both designation patterns of XYYYY.. and XYXYXY...

inc=1;  //Default pattern XYYY..
if(nc>=3) {if(wks.col3.type==4) inc=2;} //Detect XYXY...
for(ii=2; ii<=nc; ii=ii+inc) {
  //smooth iy:=wcol(ii) method:=aav npts:=4; //Smoothing 
  differentiate iy:=wcol(ii)  order:=1;  //Differentiate
Tip: Here "differentiate" is the name of x-function for differentiation. ("smooth" is for smoothing.)
I don't remember the names of all x-functions, but it is easy to get - when you press the small triangle button at
the upper right corner of analysis tool, choose "Generate Script" flyout, then you get the corresponding script
(x-function) command based on the options you chose in the dialog box in the Script window. (Please see the screenshot.
Here "-r 2" is a general option to set the recalculation mode, 1=Auto, 2=Manual, 0=None).
Once you get the command name, you can learn the detail options from "Help: X-Functions" menu.

Hope this is helpful.

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/29/2012 : 1:12:56 PM
Hi davidandersoniii,

Here is a sample script, which can take care both designation patterns of XYYYY.. and XYXYXY...

inc=1;  //Default pattern XYYY..
if(nc>=3) {if(wks.col3.type==4) inc=2;} //Detect XYXY...
for(ii=2; ii<=nc; ii=ii+inc) {
  //smooth iy:=wcol(ii) method:=aav npts:=4; //Smoothing 
  differentiate iy:=wcol(ii)  order:=1;  //Differentiate
Tip: Here "differentiate" is the name of x-function for differentiation. ("smooth" is for smoothing.)
I don't remember the names of all x-functions, but it is easy to get - when you press the small triangle button at
the upper right corner of analysis tool, choose "Generate Script" flyout, then you get the corresponding script
(x-function) command based on the options you chose in the dialog box in the Script window. (Please see the screenshot.
Here "-r 2" is a general option to set the recalculation mode, 1=Auto, 2=Manual, 0=None).
Once you get the command name, you can learn the detail options from "Help: X-Functions" menu.

Hope this is helpful.

--Hideo Fujii
davidandersoniii Posted - 06/28/2012 : 4:52:12 PM
Sorry, It's actually 8.0724. I tried what you recommended, but when I left click that column, nothing happens. The repeat analysis option is not available.

Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi davidandersoniii,

As you are using Origin 8.6, you can use the "Repeat This Analysis" method discussed at:

Although above page is regarding the Smoothing, differentiation is the same thing.

Does it work as you like?

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/28/2012 : 3:18:04 PM
Hi davidandersoniii,

As you are using Origin 8.6, you can use the "Repeat This Analysis" method discussed at:

Although above page is regarding the Smoothing, differentiation is the same thing.

Does it work as you like?

--Hideo Fujii

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