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Posted - 07/23/2012 : 11:24:17 AM Hello, I am trying to run an old program on origin 8, and it delivers me the following errors:
PLOTVSTIME: object property not found! PLOTVSTIME: object property not found! Error: string ID=6080 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6038 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6037 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6036 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6035 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6029 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6028 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6027 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6026 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6025 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6024 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6023 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6017 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6016 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6015 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6014 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6013 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6012 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6011 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6010 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6009 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6008 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6007 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6006 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6005 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6004 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID Error: string ID=6003 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found! Error: DDK property STR_DISPTOTAL for CreepRangeDialog is not supported
What I noticed straight away: 1. The plot is given the wrong name. It should be named "CREEPVSTIME", but it gets the name "FILESX86ORIGINLABORIGI8" for some unknown reason. Under Windows XP I do not get such problems. 2. It does not see certain dll values. 3. Because of these errors, the dialog (Creeprangedialog) is not displayed.
Here is the code where I think the problem lies:
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filename: StartDialog.ogs // Purpose: Handle events for the "StartDialog" dialog. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[OnInit] // This section called when dialog is shown for the first time. btn_Creep1.choice=1;
[OnOk] // This section called when the OK button is clicked.
//Copy Path-Strings to LabTalk Strings %k=ed_path.$;
getfile *.*; //prompt for filename open -w %a; //and read ascii data from this file into window
%o=%h; // window title of worksheet %h to %o
// Rename columns work -n $(1) Time; work -n $(2) Load; work -n $(3) Disp;
//We expect only 3 Columns if(wks.nCols>5) { type -b "Source file contains more than 5 columns! Expected are 3 columns for Time, Load and Displacment!";
//rename cols 4 and 5 and clear data work -n $(4) LoadBU; work -n $(5) DispBU;
col(LoadBU)=data(0,0,numvals); col(DispBU)=data(0,0,numvals); } else if(wks.nCols==5) { type -b "Source file contains 5 columns. Columns 4 and 5 will be deleted!";
//rename cols 4 and 5 and clear data work -n $(4) LoadBU; work -n $(5) DispBU;
col(LoadBU)=data(0,0,numvals); col(DispBU)=data(0,0,numvals); } else if(wks.nCols==4) { type -b "Source file contains 4 columns. Column 4 will be deleted!";
work -n $(4) LoadBU; col(LoadBU)=data(0,0,numvals); wks.addCol(DispBU); } else { //Add backup columns for saving Data before filtering wks.addCol(LoadBU); wks.addCol(DispBU); }
create Ranges -w 50 INDEX1 Initial INDEX2 Final SDisp Temp startindex endindex dispgap; //Create Worksheet named Disp with 50 rows and column names Index1 etc window -h 1; //and hide worksheet Ranges!wks.col5.label$="(um)"; Ranges!wks.col6.label$="(°C)"; Ranges!wks.col9.label$="(um)";
window -t plot %k Creep PlotVsTime; // open graph window from template //PlotvsTime! = "PLOTVSTIME"; PlotVsTime!; // Activate layer 1 of PlotvsTime-page layer1.include(%o_LOAD,200); // load vs. time in layer 1 set %o_Load -cl 1; // color of plot = black set %o_Load -d 1; // line style of plot = dash
rescale; //rescale axes to show all Data
//Same with layer 2 PlotVsTime!; layer2.include(%o_DISP,200); // displacement vs. time set %o_Disp -cl 4; //blue set %o_Disp -d 0; //solid line
window -z; //set window to full size
[OnCancel] // This section called when the Cancel button is clicked.
[OnApply] // This section called when the Apply button is clicked.
[OnHelp] // This section called when the Help button is clicked.
The DLL recompiles correctly and should work without problems, but it does not. Could someone please give me more feedback as to why I get these problems? I have really tried everything I can think of.
Origin Ver.: Origin 8.5 Operating System: Windows 7