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 Origin 8 compatibility problems with Origin 7 scri

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
VitalyX Posted - 07/23/2012 : 11:24:17 AM
I am trying to run an old program on origin 8, and it delivers me the following errors:

PLOTVSTIME: object property not found!
PLOTVSTIME: object property not found!
Error: string ID=6080 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6038 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6037 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6036 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6035 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6029 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6028 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6027 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6026 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6025 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6024 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6023 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6017 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6016 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6015 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6014 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6013 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6012 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6011 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6010 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6009 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6008 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6007 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6006 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6005 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6004 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
Error: string ID=6003 from DLL C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ORIGINLAB\ORIGIN8.5.1\CREEPDIALOG does not match any dialog item ID
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
CREEPRANGEDIALOG: object property not found!
Error: DDK property STR_DISPTOTAL for CreepRangeDialog is not supported

What I noticed straight away:
1. The plot is given the wrong name. It should be named "CREEPVSTIME", but it gets the name "FILESX86ORIGINLABORIGI8" for some unknown reason. Under Windows XP I do not get such problems.
2. It does not see certain dll values.
3. Because of these errors, the dialog (Creeprangedialog) is not displayed.

Here is the code where I think the problem lies:

// Filename: StartDialog.ogs
// Purpose: Handle events for the "StartDialog" dialog.

// This section called when dialog is shown for the first time.

// This section called when the OK button is clicked.

else if(btn_Creep1.choice==2)

//Copy Path-Strings to LabTalk Strings

getfile *.*; //prompt for filename
open -w %a; //and read ascii data from this file into window

%o=%h; // window title of worksheet %h to %o


// Rename columns
work -n $(1) Time;
work -n $(2) Load;
work -n $(3) Disp;

//We expect only 3 Columns
type -b "Source file contains more than 5 columns! Expected are 3 columns for Time, Load and Displacment!";

//rename cols 4 and 5 and clear data
work -n $(4) LoadBU;
work -n $(5) DispBU;

else if(wks.nCols==5)
type -b "Source file contains 5 columns. Columns 4 and 5 will be deleted!";

//rename cols 4 and 5 and clear data
work -n $(4) LoadBU;
work -n $(5) DispBU;

else if(wks.nCols==4)
type -b "Source file contains 4 columns. Column 4 will be deleted!";

work -n $(4) LoadBU;
//Add backup columns for saving Data before filtering



window -h 1; //hide active Window

create Ranges -w 50 INDEX1 Initial INDEX2 Final SDisp Temp startindex endindex dispgap; //Create Worksheet named Disp with 50 rows and column names Index1 etc
window -h 1; //and hide worksheet


window -t plot %k Creep PlotVsTime; // open graph window from template
//PlotvsTime! = "PLOTVSTIME";
PlotVsTime!; // Activate layer 1 of PlotvsTime-page
layer1.include(%o_LOAD,200); // load vs. time in layer 1
set %o_Load -cl 1; // color of plot = black
set %o_Load -d 1; // line style of plot = dash

rescale; //rescale axes to show all Data

//Same with layer 2
layer2.include(%o_DISP,200); // displacement vs. time
set %o_Disp -cl 4; //blue
set %o_Disp -d 0; //solid line


window -z; //set window to full size

// This section called when the Cancel button is clicked.

// This section called when the Apply button is clicked.

// This section called when the Help button is clicked.

getfilename *.otp;

The DLL recompiles correctly and should work without problems, but it does not.
Could someone please give me more feedback as to why I get these problems? I have really tried everything I can think of.

Origin Ver.: Origin 8.5
Operating System: Windows 7

Thank you in advance.

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