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 Attaching Axis Titles to page not possible?

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johannes.kastl Posted - 07/26/2012 : 07:35:46 AM
To ensure the correct size of axis titles during export, I want to attach the axis titles to the page, not to the layer or the scale.

However, this is not possible, when "Scaling elements" ("Elemente skalieren" in the german menu) is set to a fixed value of 1. (In the german menu, its Format->Layereigenschaften, then on the tab called "Anzeige". Could be Format, Layer properties or settings, and then the tab "Display" in english.).
You can right-click on a title, select "Programming Control", then select "page" and click ok, but afterwards the setting is back at "layer and scale".

Using labtalk, e.g. xb.attach always keeps the value 2, setting to 1 is not possible. The command works without error, but afterwards the value is still 2.

Is this intended behaviour?

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.6.0G pro SR3
Operating System: Win XP

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johannes.kastl Posted - 08/03/2012 : 08:48:04 AM
I got one file, that shows the faulty behaviour.

You can change the setting, and everything seems ok. But after some time, at the latest when you open the file the next time, the titles are attached to the layer again.

I'll send the file to support.
johannes.kastl Posted - 07/31/2012 : 03:55:50 AM
Hmm, this seems to be not reproducible.

Running your script works here, also testing in a new project does not show the error.

I'll try to setup a test case, and send this file to tech support, once I can reproduce it.

Thanks for your answer, anyway.

greg Posted - 07/30/2012 : 2:17:09 PM
We do not see this behavior here as shown by this:
win -t plot line;
fixed = layer.fixed;
if(fixed != 0)
Ty Layer is Fixed Factor;
Ty Change to Scale;
layer.fixed = 0;
layer.width = layer.width / 2;
layer.height = layer.height / 2;
ty Current XB attachment \x3D $(xb.attach);
xb.attach = ii;
ty Current XB attachment \x3D $(xb.attach);
if(xb.attach != ii) ty Failed to change attachment!;
ty -b Now revert to Fixed scale with factor of 1
(Fonts should increase in apparent size);
layer.fixed = 1;
layer.factor = 1;

Perhaps some template or project of yours behaves differently?

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