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 graphs and variables

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
984527 Posted - 08/03/2012 : 2:36:36 PM
I have a graph template that has several layers. Each layer has several traces for columns that are all in the same worksheet. They also have legends that show the long name of the column that corresponds to each trace.

What I now want is to have two types of labels:

1) A graph title (for printing) which is the long name of the graph itself
2) A label title which is the long name of the worksheet where the data comes from.

For the second part, I know I could do it using the legend feature, but it seems like I can only have one legend at a time. For the first part, I found that I can have a label that says %H to show the short name, but that makes it kind of hard to read.

Any help is appreciated.

I'm using OriginPro 8.5 SR1 on Windows 7.
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Hideo Fujii Posted - 08/03/2012 : 4:18:30 PM
Hi 984527,

You can use the various substitution notations to express the information such as the window
name and the long name, etc. See the attached screenshot of the label's text properties dialog:

After entering such label contents, you need to set the "Link to (%, $)Substitution Level"
to 1 to make the substitution effective.
(I couldn't find a way to show the associated X column name. Can someone tell?)

Hope this helps.

--Hideo Fujii

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