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 Merging graphs with fits?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toraneko Posted - 08/10/2012 : 06:08:59 AM

I have a problem: for the experiments I have carried out I have plotted several data sets and every one I fitted with a fairly complicated equation with several parameters (which change for every data set). Now, my supervisor wishes me to regroup several data sets (3 or 4) in one graph. Is there a possibility to merge these graphs (in the best case with their colours remaining as they are) or do I have to plot and fit every and each graph again but in the same window. Because the latter would cost me a considerable amount of time and would seriously be a pain in the ****.

I suspect it would be able with this whole layer system? I have never worked with layers and when I just tried to note which data is in the one graph and import it via layer to the other the data was corrupted afterwards, just strange lines instead of my actual data.

I would appreciate your help very much!
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easwar Posted - 08/13/2012 : 1:58:15 PM

Did you look at help resources such as this video tutorial on merging graphs?

You will not need to do the fits long as your fit result curves are available in the project and you have not deleted them, you can plot the fit curve data just like any other data, into a new layer, if you are trying to rebuild your graphs.


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