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 Non linear fit: diff. betw. graphs and values

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bobby64 Posted - 08/21/2012 : 12:01:58 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.5
Operating System: Windows


I would need some advice from specialists of non linear fitting with Origin. Here is my problem: I fit a function through experimental data points and I systematically observe a discrepancy between the fitting results (i.e. the numerical values in the table) and the graph.

This graph will show you an example (Bottom: zoom on the low X values)

The fittign function I use is a user defined function (called DSE3), with 5 parameters to fit . The last parameter (called DE) is in theory the value of the function at Y=0. As you can see on the table, this value is of 1967.05. However, when I check on the graph, the real value seems to be between 1500 and 1600... SO my questions are : What is the correct value ? Do you have an idea to explain such a difference between the graph and the table ? Do you think that the values indicated in the table are reliable ?

In fact, when I use a slightly different function (function DSE), I do not have this kind of problem, i.e. the numerical value of the DE parameter and the graph do match (see below)...

So I guess thet the problem may come from the function DSE3 itself, but I do not understand why, since there is no indication of problems with the fitting (chi-2 is reduced, r2 is excellent...)

I would appreciate if some of you could give me some advice to understand this,

Thanks in advance for your help,


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bobby64 Posted - 08/23/2012 : 03:08:03 AM
Ok Sam, understood.

Many thanks for this clarification!


Sam Fang Posted - 08/22/2012 : 05:57:13 AM
There is no discrepancy for fitting result of DSE3. You can notice that DE is not the value of the function DSE3 at y=0 in theory. In fact DSE3(-DE)=I2*(1-exp(DE/D2)) != 0

And DE is the value of the function DSE at y=0 in theory indeed, DSE(-DE)=0

DSE3 and DSE can be converted into each other. If we assume DSE function is expressed as:

then parameters in DSE corresponding to DSE3 can be calculated:

The value of the function DSE3 at y=0 is -1580.787.

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