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T O P I C    R E V I E W
brueggemann Posted - 07/20/1999 : 7:31:00 PM
When trying to load (with Origin4.0 or
Origin5.0) an older file with .org extension I encounter the error message that the file is damaged... together with Err:258
in the Script Window.
Is there any way to recover the contents
(worksheets, graphs)?

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry_lan Posted - 09/06/2010 : 09:53:33 AM

Here are all arguments for List Command. Some of them only works after 8.1. However, to loop over Origin folders (directories in your post, I think), it's better to use doc -e command.

b_n_o Posted - 09/03/2010 : 5:01:19 PM
It is me again...
As I told you I could list some of my worksheets but not all of them.
I think that the missing ones are in directories of my origin project file.
Is it possible to list the directories and therefore access to the missing worksheets?
thank you in advance
b_n_o Posted - 09/02/2010 : 4:48:41 PM

Thanks for the information.
Unfortunately, in the meantime, my labtop had crashed and origin had to be reinstalled. Therefore I have no chance to find the file.
But I will try to remember your trick for future problems...
Laurie Posted - 09/02/2010 : 09:19:27 AM
Before opening and saving any other project you should look for a file called backup.opj. Open this file. It will contain the contents of the last project you saved, minus whatever changes were made to the project file since the time that it was last saved.

OriginLab Technical Support
b_n_o Posted - 08/31/2010 : 10:19:49 AM
I encounter the same problem with a Origin 6.1 project file:
the error message indicating that the file is damaged... and Err:258 in the Script Window. This project file is quite important for me...
Is there any way to recover all the contents (worksheets, graphs)?
I tried the script commands given by Greg but it seems that I lost a lot!
A list of datasets appears but some of them are not listed. Is there a limit number of recovered worksheets?
Is there any way to recover the overall contents of the project (worksheets, graphs)?
Thank you in advance
juliane Posted - 08/22/2001 : 07:57:05 AM
I had a computer crash when I was working with origin 6.0. I reseted the computer but I could'nt open anymore the file I was working on. In the script window "Err. 258" was written and it was also said that the file is damaged. I tried the order "List s" but I could only recover the original datasheets and not the datasheets I had generated. Any chance to do something about it?
greg Posted - 07/20/1999 : 4:11:00 PM
While you will not be able to recover any graphs, you should be able to recover your data.

Open the Script Window by selecting Window: Script Window from the Origin menu. Type the following in the Script Window:

list s

and press the Enter key. The command will execute (indicated by a semi-colon) and a list of datasets should appear below. If no datasets are listed, then nothing can be recovered from the project. If some are listed, then the worksheets should be recoverable.

The dataset names consist of worksheet names and column names separated by an underscore character. All the columns in a particular worksheet can be recovered by executing:

edit WorksheetName_ColumnName

(Remember to press Enter at the end of the line.)

For example, executing:

edit Data1_B

will recover the Data1 worksheet including columns A, B, etc. (Data1_A, Data1_B).

Repeat the edit command with all unique Worksheet names using any one of its column names.

[This message has been edited by Greg (edited 07-20-99).]

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