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 How to use the logscale for negative val (y-axis)?

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maiducdai Posted - 01/09/2013 : 04:27:29 AM
Origin Ver.: OriginPro 8 SR0, v8.0724 (B724)
Operating System: Window xp 64

Hi all of you guy
Actually Im dealing with a plot that its data like following table

x-axis | y-axis
2 | -0.03646
3 | -0.02416
4 | -0.01806
5 | -0.01442
6 | -0.012
7 | -0.01028
9 | -0.00799
12 | -0.00598
15 | -0.00478
20 | -0.00359
25 | -0.00287
30 | -0.00239
35 | -0.00205
40 | -0.00179

I want to use the logscale for y-axis, if anybody who know how to plot this curve in origin please help me to solve the problem.

your help will be highly appreciated
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maiducdai Posted - 01/10/2013 : 08:18:50 AM
Originally posted by Kathy_Wang

Sorry that I didn't notice the axis tick labels in the Matlab figure have a minus sign.

To reverse an axis in Origin, you could exchange the From and To value in the scale tab of the Axis dialog and in order to change the tick label to be minus values, you can then go to the Tick Labels tab of the Axis dialog and set Prefix as "-".

Hope this information helps!


Thanks Kathy so much.

follow your advices, finally I have solved my problem.

I really appreciate your kindness help
Dai, MaiDuc
Kathy_Wang Posted - 01/10/2013 : 05:16:20 AM
Sorry that I didn't notice the axis tick labels in the Matlab figure have a minus sign.

To reverse an axis in Origin, you could exchange the From and To value in the scale tab of the Axis dialog and in order to change the tick label to be minus values, you can then go to the Tick Labels tab of the Axis dialog and set Prefix as "-".

Hope this information helps!

maiducdai Posted - 01/10/2013 : 02:46:12 AM
Originally posted by Kathy_Wang


The plot in Matlab has Y axis scale from 10^-1 to 10^-3, while in Origin it is reversed, i.e. from 10^-3 to 10^-1, so in order to get a same plot as in Matlab, you could change the Y axis scale to be from 10^-1 to 10^-3 in Origin.


Thanks Kathy
Actually the Y-axis scale in Matlab plot is from -10^-1 to -10^-3, its not 10^-1 to 10^-3 like your understanding.!!!
And by the way, could you kindness help me to know how to reverse the y-axis scale ? Im using OriginPro 8 SR0, v8.0724 (B724) actually I could not find out the option in order to reverse axis scales so far.

I appreciate to your kindness reply
Dai, MaiDuc
Kathy_Wang Posted - 01/09/2013 : 11:54:06 PM

The plot in Matlab has Y axis scale from 10^-1 to 10^-3, while in Origin it is reversed, i.e. from 10^-3 to 10^-1, so in order to get a same plot as in Matlab, you could change the Y axis scale to be from 10^-1 to 10^-3 in Origin.

maiducdai Posted - 01/09/2013 : 9:26:35 PM
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi maiducdai,

How about simply taking the absolute values of Y's, i.e. plotting log(abs(y))?

--Hideo Fujii

Hi Hideo Fujii

first, thanks you so much for your reply. Actually I've tried that you are saying however the resultant plot seems to be different from what I expected. The following figures show how the difference look like.

negative logscale plotted using Matlab

Using origin (i.e. your above tip)

I highly appreciate your kindness reply
Dai, MaiDuc
Hideo Fujii Posted - 01/09/2013 : 09:29:17 AM
Hi maiducdai,

How about simply taking the absolute values of Y's, i.e. plotting log(abs(y))?

--Hideo Fujii

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