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 Values in the reverse order (colormap)

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thanos_papader Posted - 02/18/2013 : 1:00:10 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8.5.0 SR1 b161
Operating System: Windows XP Home

Hi everyone,

I have a problem while trying to set values in the reverse order in colormap option. Each time I try to set levels in colormap so that they coincide with the values on the Z axis (which are already reversed, as you can see in the graph below)I get the following message: "Min must be smaller than max!". I was wondering if there is some way to reverse the color scale as well.

Thanks in advance,

PS: Excuse me if this has been already mentioned before but I couldn't find a topic relevant to my problem..
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thanos_papader Posted - 02/19/2013 : 05:14:21 AM
Ha! That's great! Thanks a lot for your time Snow! I am definitely gonna use this..

Keep up the great work guys!

snowli Posted - 02/18/2013 : 3:58:00 PM
You are very welcome.

I played more and found a workaround.
The basic concept is to have two surface plots in the graph. One with flipped palette, the other without. still use the color scale object of the original plot (no flipping)

Here are detailed steps to follow.
1. First get the graph you showed in original post. With reversed axis and wrong palette but correct color scale object.
2. Double click layer1 icon to open Layer Contents dialog.
3. Select the Matrix again on left panel and click -> button to move it to the layer. Make sure the Plot Type is 3D - Colormap Surface. Click OK.
--> So now there are two colormap surfaces in the graph. Since Origin's plot order is plot 1st one and then plot the second one on top of the first one, you only see the second plot.
4. Change the palette of this new colormap surface to be the same as your original graph and flip the palette.
--> Now you have colormap with flipped palette but the color scale object is still from the original plot (without flipping).

Thanks, Snow

Originally posted by thanos_papader

Thank you Snow for your immediate reply. I guess I have to omit the color scale then..

Have a nice day!

thanos_papader Posted - 02/18/2013 : 2:43:07 PM
Thank you Snow for your immediate reply. I guess I have to omit the color scale then..

Have a nice day!
snowli Posted - 02/18/2013 : 1:47:51 PM

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is a bug in our old Origin versions and have been fixed in Origin 9.0.

In 8.5, the workaround is that you can double click the plot to open Plot Details dialog. On Colormap tab, Click on Fill... (column header) and choose Flip Palette.

But the Color scale object is reversed and wrong. So only if you don't need to show the color scale object, you can use the workaround. Delete the wrong color scale object.

Thanks, Snow

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