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 Linking with Visual Studio 2012 Professional

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01amk Posted - 02/20/2013 : 05:41:40 AM
Hello I would like to program a dialog window in Visual Studio Professional 2012. I can then link the program with Origin C? if so I need further visual studio Professional 2012 every time I then my data evaluation with origin? someone or has another solution for me?
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eparent Posted - 02/22/2013 : 10:23:05 AM
'this' is a keyword and holds a pointer to the class object from which the function was invoked. In this case it refers to the instance of MyDialog named myDlg. 'Text' is a string property that holds the window's text. I can not reproduce your compiling error here. While it should not be necessary, you can try removing 'this->'.

Originally posted by 01amk

I've now gone through all points from top to bottom. The last point I will not go any further.
The Code Builder gives me made #8203;#8203;a mistake,
"this-> Text =" Welcome "," the bug is probably in "this", allegedly because the variable can not be declared.
What can I do about it?
I think if I can fix it, it would work only because it depends so now.

01amk Posted - 02/22/2013 : 01:43:30 AM
I've now gone through all points from top to bottom. The last point I will not go any further.
The Code Builder gives me made #8203;#8203;a mistake,
"this-> Text =" Welcome "," the bug is probably in "this", allegedly because the variable can not be declared.
What can I do about it?
I think if I can fix it, it would work only because it depends so now.
eparent Posted - 02/21/2013 : 12:19:22 PM
When you build 32-bit DLLs, Visual Studio creates the DLLs in the Debug and Release sub folders of your Visual Studio's project folder. For 64-bit DLLs, they will be created in the x64\Debug and x64\Release sub folders of your Visual Studio's project folder.

I have added this information to the wiki article to hopefully avoid this confusion for other users.

Originally posted by 01amk


I have met such description on the website, but I lack the "welcome.dll" file. The "resource.h" file I found and copied to OriginC folder. Why is it that the file "welcome.dll" missing?

Thank you for your effort!

01amk Posted - 02/21/2013 : 04:05:44 AM

I have met such description on the website, but I lack the "welcome.dll" file. The "resource.h" file I found and copied to OriginC folder. Why is it that the file "welcome.dll" missing?

Thank you for your effort!
cdrozdowski111 Posted - 02/20/2013 : 7:50:15 PM
You can build a resource DLL (a dialog) in Visual Studio and use it in Origin.

Here are instructions for doing it with VS 2008. They work for 2010, so I assume they work for 2012 as well:

Now, the best way to learn how the Origin part of the coding is to study the Origin C source code (especially the code for dialog boxes) in the Origin C directory in the Origin application directory.

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