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 A bug?-plot multi X (time) -Y (numeric)

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redman Posted - 05/09/2013 : 8:36:59 PM
Origin Ver.9.0 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): SR2
Operating System: Win7 x64

I have some data with multiple X(time)-Y(numeric).
A(x) B(y) C(x) D(y)
00:00 106 00:00 780
00:05 137 00:05 780
00:10 202 00:10 773
00:15 278 00:15 755
00:20 337 00:20 729
00:25 404 00:25 704
00:30 462 00:30 684
00:35 509 00:35 662
00:40 555 00:40 643
00:45 594 00:45 625
00:50 634 00:50 606
00:55 666 00:55 592
01:00 679 01:00 577
01:05 690 01:05 563
01:10 703 01:10 552
01:15 713 01:15 541
01:20 723 01:20 531
When I selected the whole worksheet and plotted the data as line+Symbol graph, I just got a wrong graph. Manual change of the X axis range did not work either. I also tried double Y plot, however, only one-Y data could be ploted. Please see the attached files.

Is this a bug?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
redman Posted - 05/13/2013 : 6:35:27 PM
Hi, Grey,

You are so great! Every time you could find the reason and give a solution no mather there is a bug or not.

Yes, I got the data from Excel. According to your explanation, I could get a proper group plot by coping the X data to and coping back from notepad.

Thanks a lot!

greg Posted - 05/13/2013 : 09:45:55 AM
In your project, the second Time column is actually Date-Time values which can be seen by copy-paste of the column to a new Text&Numeric column. Formatted to show as Date yields 12/30/1899 which leads me to believe this data originated from Excel which uses that date (in one of its options) as date 'zero'.

To plot properly in Origin:
Insert a new column between C and D and set it as an X column of Time (mm:ss)
Use Set Column Values on this new column with this expression:
The new column will outwardly appear identical to the original C column, but will include only Time information and plot the same as A(X), B(Y).
redman Posted - 05/10/2013 : 7:12:08 PM
Hi, Matthew,

Thanks for your reply. I just found this problem regarding the group plotting and double Y plotting, and reported it here.

For me, it is OK to plot each Y column as a single graph.

Best regards,

Redman Posted - 05/10/2013 : 3:54:08 PM

I'm not sure whether it's a bug or not, but will look into it. However, I was able to plot it correctly with a quick fix.

Your 2 x-series are identical from time 00:00 until 04:30, at which point the first x-series continues every 5 seconds, and the second x-series begins to increment every 10 seconds. However, from time 03:30 until the end of the first x-series (07:10), the y-values are only 800 degrees.

I simply made your second x-series the only x column and removed the first x column, and made sure the temperature data in column B only went until 07:10. Then I plotted the 3 columns with line and symbol and it worked fine.

Let me know if this works for you and is an acceptable work around.


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