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 Making Stacked XYY 3D bar graphs

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mahadikb Posted - 05/17/2013 : 3:43:17 PM
Hi. I was wondering if Origin is capable of creating stacked 3-axis bar graphs. So lets say I have the following data set: A(x,y,z), B(x,y,z), C(x,y,z), D(x,y,z); A1(x,y,z), B1(x,y,z), C1(x,y,z), D1(x,y,z); A2(x,y,z), B2(x,y,z), C2(x,y,z), D2(x,y,z), I want to plot it as follows:

Stack the x, y, z values for A, B, C and D on x-axis. On the z-axis, show the same stack values for A1 and A2 data sets. Finally, the y-axis will serve to denote the actual values. This will basically be a combination of Stack Column and XYY 3D bars that Origin currently has. Also, in order to see the data better, I will have to make the bars translucent so as to see through them to the data set behind it.

Please let me know if Origin can plot such a graph and if so, how.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SeanMao Posted - 03/10/2016 : 8:36:07 PM

This is not available at the moment.



OriginLab Tech.

Originally posted by cyoung

I am plot this graph,does this problem solved? colld you help me?

cyoung Posted - 03/10/2016 : 05:34:50 AM
I am plot this graph,does this problem solved? colld you help me?
minimax Posted - 05/30/2013 : 02:34:51 AM
Hi Bhushan,

Besides the data, it would be appreciated that you can send us a sample image to show how the plot looks like.

OriginLab Technical Support
mahadikb Posted - 05/17/2013 : 6:32:03 PM
Hi Meili, Thanks for replying.

As for the graph, its yes and no. yes I want the data stacked as shown. However, I also want lets say 3 other rows of data behind the one shown. The bars should ideally be translucent so that all of the data can be seen (maybe from an aerial view). As an added level of complexity, can Origin automatically convert values into % for the stacked column. Thus, in the graph shown, the bars are leveled at 100% and the corresponding data is then shown as percentages.

I will send my data soon. Thanks a lot!

meili_yang Posted - 05/17/2013 : 6:15:16 PM

Is this figure close to your desired one?

If not you can send your data to We will check for you.


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