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 Multiple Integral

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SchmiBe Posted - 05/21/2013 : 10:05:18 AM
Hello together,
i am new to this forum and hope you can help me with this
special problem:
I have got 600 ASCII-Files, which I imported.
3 important values: time, voltage, current in each File.
All files have the same timebase. What I have to do, is extracting
the Charge (Q) out of the current in each File. Actually easy to do
with Origin. (Integrate the current over time and take the Maximum-Value of each charge-curve)
So the Problem is, I have 600 Files with 4000 Measurement-Points each.
The result is a gigantic time-waste. How can i optimize this?
Is there an option to integrate multiple columns at once or maybe write
a programm, which does it automatically?
Excuse my bad English,
Thanks and regards,

My Originversion : 8G Vers.: 8.0988
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SchmiBe Posted - 05/22/2013 : 02:43:34 AM
Yes, I tried this already. My problem is, that i can't select various data. When i added one column, the Button "Add" is replaced by a Button "Replace", so I can add just one column. Its also not possible to select all the Data, so I can't add all the data all at once.
Maybe I did a mistake with the import?
I tried to import the data as data-sets and columns(in one sheet) yet.
Maybe I have to connect several columns?


Edit: I installed a Testversion of Origin 9 now and it works
as you discribed. So its a bug of my version. I try to update my version and check out, if it works.

meili_yang Posted - 05/21/2013 : 1:45:26 PM
Hi Ben,

I can input multiple data all at a once in Origin 8.5 and upper version. It's done by "select column" from input, and select from "List Datasets" which contains all the data you want to analyze. Select data, Add and OK. Integration will be automatically calculated for all the selected data. Please try if you can do this. If not, I am glad to help you to figure out other methods.



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