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 3 D Scatter Plot with color mapping

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Saziku Posted - 05/22/2013 : 4:09:10 PM
Hello. I'm trying to replicate some data by using a 3D scatter plot. I got that part by just using the catter plot button. Now,, I want to use a color map on it. On the tutorial Origin gives out, it is already premade for a 3-d scatter plot that uses color mapping, but it is proving to be difficult as scratch since when I go into the polt details, I don't have the color mapping tab when I click the subcategory of 'Original'. Thanks to everyone whoo tries to him me.
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Saziku Posted - 05/24/2013 : 11:01:00 AM
Thank you for your help.
meili_yang Posted - 05/23/2013 : 12:55:32 PM

OK, you want the color to be temperature dependent. So put your temperature data in another column of the worksheet containing your data, for example Col(D). And try if you can choose Col(D) for 'Color Mapping', like I showed in the previous post.

Once you added that, a new tab "Colomap" will appear. You can customize range from the 'Level', and you can select color for individual level from 'Fill' or lord a theme from 'Fill-Palette'.

Saziku Posted - 05/23/2013 : 11:23:59 AM
Yes. I have. I selected the rainbow color scheme, and it did color the plot with three different colors corresponding to the surfaces of the cube i have (purple for the points on the left side of the cube, maroon for the right side of the cube, and yellow for the inside of the cube). Thank you for this information. How do I make the points' colors temperature dependent? I alreadyy have diifferent temperatures already recorded.
meili_yang Posted - 05/23/2013 : 11:12:49 AM

I understand your need. You are able to do that. Have you found the Color Mapping option I shown in the previous post? From there you can define a column as color map.

Originally posted by Saziku

Let me specify the problem (on top of writing proper English with less grammar mistakes). I'm trying to create a 3D Scatter Plot with another variable. The different variable is temperature. The 3D plot describes position. I want to introduce another variable at the points that is temperature, which is suppose to fluctuate at the point at different temperates. For example, I have a 3D plot with 1 unit in all directions (x,y, and z axes) Lets say I have one point at (1 1 1), another point at (0 0 0), and point (0 0 1). The point (1 1 1) has the temperature of 205 F, the point (0 0 0) has the temperature of 190 F, and the point (0 0 1)has the temperature of 200 F. I want the point (1 1 1) to be bright red, the point (0 0 0) to be blue, and the point (0 0 1) to be a color somewhere in between that rainbow spectrum of blue and red. In general, the plot I want to create is a combination of a Contour Map and a 3D Scatter Plot. I really appreciate the help.

Saziku Posted - 05/23/2013 : 10:55:37 AM
Let me specify the problem (on top of writing proper English with less grammar mistakes). I'm trying to create a 3D Scatter Plot with another variable. The different variable is temperature. The 3D plot describes position. I want to introduce another variable at the points that is temperature, which is suppose to fluctuate at the point at different temperates. For example, I have a 3D plot with 1 unit in all directions (x,y, and z axes) Lets say I have one point at (1 1 1), another point at (0 0 0), and point (0 0 1). The point (1 1 1) has the temperature of 205 F, the point (0 0 0) has the temperature of 190 F, and the point (0 0 1)has the temperature of 200 F. I want the point (1 1 1) to be bright red, the point (0 0 0) to be blue, and the point (0 0 1) to be a color somewhere in between that rainbow spectrum of blue and red. In general, the plot I want to create is a combination of a Contour Map and a 3D Scatter Plot. I really appreciate the help.
meili_yang Posted - 05/22/2013 : 4:35:17 PM

Color map is one of the options from 'Color'.

Let me know how it works.


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