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 Column Name as Function Parameter

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jeffsecor Posted - 06/17/2013 : 1:02:16 PM
This may be a basic question , but I can't find a basic answer anywhere.

I am using the 3d parametric plot in origin9. As a test, I am making a paraboloid. So x(u,v)=u , y(u,v)=v and z(u,v) is my question.

In the script before window, I made a test function
\double a;
double b;
function double test(a,b,u,v)
return a*u^2+b*v^2
Now if I enter into the z(u,v) window something like


It will correctly plot the paraboloid with parameter "a" as 1 and parameter "b" as 2. What I want to do is enter a column name into the z(u,v) box. i.e. I have a book with column named NY, and another column named MEX, each with two rows for the paraboloid parameters. I expect the code something like

z(u,v)= test(Col(MEX),u,v)
---before script window---
double a;
double b;
function double test (Col(NAME),u,v)
return a*u^2+b*v^2

But I dont know the correct syntax to do this, i.e. have a column as a parameter and a general column designation in the function code.

Jeff Secor
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greg Posted - 06/19/2013 : 10:35:23 AM
The first two arguments (a and b) defaulted to type double and you cannot use a dataset for both and expect origin to understand you mean to use the first two rows of the dataset.

In the Before Formula Script, add this line:

range raMex = [Book1]Sheet1!Mex;

Then for z(u,v) you can use:


As you change the two values in the MEX column, your graph should update automatically.

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