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 Histogram with weight

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
spirittoto Posted - 06/27/2013 : 12:18:37 PM
Origin Ver.9:
Operating System: 64 win7

Hi all,

I have two columns of data, one is normal data and another one is the number of repetitions of the first data. How to plot a histogram by considering the second column of data?

Thank you in advance!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
spirittoto Posted - 06/27/2013 : 10:21:21 PM
Hi Meili,

Thank you and your colleague so much.

This script works well and I get histogram I need.


meili_yang Posted - 06/27/2013 : 5:39:27 PM

My colleague wrote the following script for you.
Assume the column 1 is normal data, and column 2 is repetition number. You can try the following script:

int m = wks.maxRows;
int r1 = 1;
int r2 = 1;
int t = cell(ii,2);
double x = cell(ii,1);

r2 += t;
cell(jj,3) = x;
r1 += t;

Hope it can help.

Originally posted by meili_yang


I think there is not a direct way to plot like that. You might try to use some scripts to generate a new column, then plot histogram from there.


Originally posted by spirittoto

Origin Ver.9:
Operating System: 64 win7

Hi all,

I have two columns of data, one is normal data and another one is the number of repetitions of the first data. How to plot a histogram by considering the second column of data?

Thank you in advance!

OriginLab Tech Support

OriginLab Tech Support
meili_yang Posted - 06/27/2013 : 5:06:41 PM

I think there is not a direct way to plot like that. You might try to use some scripts to generate a new column, then plot histogram from there.


Originally posted by spirittoto

Origin Ver.9:
Operating System: 64 win7

Hi all,

I have two columns of data, one is normal data and another one is the number of repetitions of the first data. How to plot a histogram by considering the second column of data?

Thank you in advance!

OriginLab Tech Support

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