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 Save custom filters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pacificprince Posted - 06/28/2013 : 1:05:21 PM
Origin Ver. 9.0 64bit and Service Release :1
Operating System: Windows 7

Is there a way to save the (custom) data filters introduced in Origin 9.0? Basically I want to automate the following process:

Import data -> Filter -> Unstack columns to specified worksheet
-> Update plot and fitted data

There is probably a way to automate this in LabTalk or Origin C, but I would prefer a GUI way since the file needs to be shared with colleagues who have little knowledge of programming.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 06/29/2013 : 12:32:40 PM
Hi pacificprince,

I think by "filter" you meant the data filter capability where a filter condition can be set on any column?

If yes, when you create an analysis template and later re-open that template and import data, the filter does not automatically trigger.

So in your analysis template, you will need to add an additional column at the end of your import sheet, and in that column use Set Values dialog and in the Before Formula script box, enter script such as:

range r=2;
wks.ignorehidden = 1;

where I am assuming col2 has the filter. Then set this last column to auto update.

Please contact tech support, we can help you further with this. Please refer to this post when you contact us.

meili_yang Posted - 06/28/2013 : 5:37:31 PM

Batch processing might be what you need. You can save workbook/project as a template, then "Batch Processing" to repeat the process from importing data all the way to fitting. The filer will be there as well.

Here is a video tutorial about batch processing.

Besides, it's able to save customer filter. When you open the 'Custom Data Filter' dialog, you can save or load a filter by click on the "Filter" on the up-left corner of the dialog. Once it's saved in User Files folder, you can use among Origin projects.

Hope it can help.

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