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 Data masking and curve fitting

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XZ_laser Posted - 07/02/2013 : 10:36:56 AM
I am using Origin SR6. I don't know if the issue I encounter is still around in the later software versions.

I have been trying to perform linear or 2nd order polynomial fits on sets of data. The tricky thing is that the data points I want to use are not contiguous: one set is near the beginning, one set is near the end, and there is a sizable set of data that I don't want to use in between them.

The main method that I have been using with good success is to first record down the row numbers of the data points that I want to use, duplicate the data set, and then delete out the rows that I don't need. Curve fitting on truncated data is fast (less than a second).

I then discovered the data masking feature, and masked the row numbers that I don't need. However, while curve fitting still works, it's now very, very slow (more than a minute). Any idea why Origin is behaving like this?

For the record, the total number of rows in my data is 10001. For the fitting, I only use <400 rows total worth of data, or about 200 contiguous rows near the beginning and the same number near the end.
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greg Posted - 07/02/2013 : 1:43:07 PM
This is actually a bug in 8.0. The fitter slows down when testing the masked state of data. This is much faster in 8.6 and 9.0.

You can get around the problem in 8.0 by use of Worksheet : Extract Worksheet Data.

With X and Y both checked under Extract,
Add the column with masked point as an Alias (assume it's B)
For the Condition use
and for Output, select
Extract to New Worksheet
and click OK

This will create a new worksheet with only the non-masked data which should fit at normal speeds.

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