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 Installing 32-bit After 64-bit

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cdrozdowski111 Posted - 07/11/2013 : 07:09:59 AM
I currently have the following installed:

OriginPro 9.0.0 SR2, Win7 64-bit, running in VMware Fusion 5.0.3

Now I need to install the 32-bit version of OriginPro 9 and have a few questions about the process.

1) Do I simply run the installer again, selecting to only install the 32-bit version?
2) I already have the installer for 9.0.0 SR0. Should I use that installer or download the installer again (and how would I do that)?
3) Should I run the SR2 patch again after installing the 32-bit version?

I know I have to switch licensing to both 32-bit and 64-bit using "Add or Remove Files". But should I run that before applying the SR2 patch?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mking98 Posted - 07/11/2013 : 3:41:07 PM

I am going to send you the current Origin 9 SR2 installer in your email. After completing the download (select Save, not Run during the download), run the installer. You will see three options: Modify, Repair and Remove. Select Repair. After completing the Repair process, please verify that both the 32bit and 64bit are SR2.


Melanie King
Technical Support Engineer
OriginLab Corporation
cdrozdowski111 Posted - 07/11/2013 : 12:41:25 PM

I reran the installer choosing to install both 32 and 64-bit. Then I opened the 64-bit version and checked the version number- it was already SR2. I then ran the 32-bit version and it was SR0 as expected.

I then tried to run the SR0-SR1 patch file from the "Updates" directory. However, I got the following error:

"Software Not Found

Origin 9.0 could not be located on your system. Re-install Origin 9.0 and then run this patch again."

How should I proceed?
snowli Posted - 07/11/2013 : 09:45:58 AM

Modify to change bit will use our current installer to modify files under EXE folder.

So if you used Origin 9.0 SR0 and installed 64 bit only.
Then patched to sr1 and then to sr2. We don't have direct sr0 to sr2 patch so you must have patched twice.

If you now run Modify to switch to 32 bit or 32+64 bit, it will use your SR0 to setup to install things.

So you must run patch again to patch to sr2. BTW, we don't have patch directly from sr0 to sr2. So you will have to run SR1 patch first and then SR2 patch.

Usually patch files are under Origin EXE\Updates\ folder. So you can first turn SR1 patch. Then run SR2 patch.

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

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