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 File opening error

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resuS Posted - 12/04/2013 : 04:23:15 AM
Everytime then Origin app is not running and I am trying to open an origin file an error message appears:
"There was a problem sending command to program"
After this, if I click on file again it is opening normally.

PLease, help me to solve this annoying problem.

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 9 64bit
Operating System: Win8 and Win7
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ascry Posted - 09/20/2016 : 07:10:46 AM
If somebody is still interested, there is an easy solution to this problem. The issue is incorrect pathname settings in the registry.

open registry and go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Applications\Origin60.exe\shell\open\command

If default pathname looks like this: 'C:\PROGRA~2\Microcal\ORIGIN~1.0PR\Origin60.exe', change it to a correct one "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microcal\Origin 6.0 Professional\Origin60.exe" by, e.g. going to program folder and copy-paste it to registry box.

After this, first time you open OPJ file it will ask about default program, select Origin60.exe from the list and check "Always use the selected program for this file".

Everything works after this. Checked with Origin 6 and Win7, but probably works for later versions of origin and Windows.

Regards /Alex.
resuS Posted - 12/05/2013 : 3:53:17 PM
Yes. With Origin9_64.exe this error appears. With Origin9.exe as default, files can be opened without any problems.
lkb0221 Posted - 12/05/2013 : 2:44:20 PM
Glad to hear that!

It appears to be the problem of 64bit version. Setting Origin9.exe instead of Origin9_64.exe as a default program helped.

You mean set default program as Origin9_64.exe does not work? However using Origin9.exe instead as default works?
resuS Posted - 12/05/2013 : 1:08:06 PM
Hi Zheng,
It appears to be the problem of 64bit version. Setting Origin9.exe instead of Origin9_64.exe as a default program helped.
Thank you for the replies. I have almost considered to live with it, but thankfully it was solved.
And yeah, one must be deeply in love with Origin to change a PC for avoiding problems with opening files:)
lkb0221 Posted - 12/05/2013 : 12:13:47 PM
There is one another workaround that might work.

In win8 for example:

1). Close all Origin windows.
2). Right click on an Origin Project file and select "Open With...".
3). Keep "Use this app for all .opj files" checked
4). Click "More Options" (Ignore the recommended ones)
5). Click "Look for another app on this PC" (Ignore the recommended ones)
6). Find Origin9.exe (Or other .exe) and click open.
lkb0221 Posted - 12/04/2013 : 5:48:29 PM

This problem happens from time to time since windows Vista, and seems only occurs on some particular PCs. And there is no clear solution or workaround. You can try the following and see whether this time it would work, but we cannot guarantee...

1). Run origin, open command window, run "doc -ddde 1";
--> ddde stand for disable DDE
2). Following the hint to close origin and run as administrator once, close Origin.
3). Double click an OPJ to see if it can be open.

If this still not working... Then you might need to forget about opening opj by double-clicking for a while...
Of cause changing a PC will surely work, but I guess no one would do that just for this.
We are still trying to address the problem. Hope this will be solved entirely in later versions.

resuS Posted - 12/04/2013 : 3:50:09 PM
Thank you for quick response. I have tried that you said, no change. Problem is still exist.
lkb0221 Posted - 12/04/2013 : 2:22:05 PM
Hi, Paul

Please try the following:

1). Close all Origin windows.
2). Right click on an Origin Project file and select "Open With:Choose Programs".
3). Choose the Origin shortcut and check "Always use the selected program for this file".

If the above solution does not solve the problem, you could further try with the following:

1). Close all Origin windows.
2). Find the Origin EXE file in Windows Explorer and right-click on it.
3). Choose "Properties".
4). Click on the "Compatibility" tab.
5). Make sure all boxes in this tab are UNCHECKED.
6). Click OK.
7). Right-click again on the Origin EXE and choose "Run as administrator".

Hope this would solve the problem.
Please let me know if it still not working.


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