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 Weight loss from a TG curve

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mohamed1986 Posted - 05/02/2014 : 1:51:24 PM
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Hello friends,
Kindly I have a TG curve, and I want to calculate the weight loss of each step and the residual weight as the attached image in the green curve. Here an example of a TG data if you need it. I have origin 9.1

22.6885 100.0000
25.2577 99.8128
27.8269 99.6183
30.3961 99.4171
32.9653 99.2106
35.5346 99.0008
38.1038 98.7906
40.6730 98.5829
43.2422 98.3805
45.8114 98.1862
48.3806 98.0018
50.9498 97.8287
53.5190 97.6674
56.0882 97.5175
58.6574 97.3783
61.2266 97.2484
63.7958 97.1265
66.3651 97.0110
68.9343 96.9006
71.5035 96.7941
74.0727 96.6904
76.6419 96.5888
79.2111 96.4887
81.7803 96.3898
84.3495 96.2915
86.9187 96.1938
89.4879 96.0965
92.0571 95.9994
94.6264 95.9024
97.1956 95.8055
99.7648 95.7087
102.3340 95.6118
104.9032 95.5148
107.4724 95.4177
110.0416 95.3203
112.6108 95.2226
115.1800 95.1246
117.7492 95.0262
120.3184 94.9273
122.8877 94.8280
125.4569 94.7281
128.0261 94.6277
130.5953 94.5267
133.1645 94.4250
135.7337 94.3226
138.3029 94.2196
140.8721 94.1157
143.4413 94.0110
146.0105 93.9055
148.5797 93.7992
151.1490 93.6921
153.7182 93.5840
156.2874 93.4751
158.8566 93.3651
161.4258 93.2541
163.9950 93.1423
166.5642 93.0294
169.1334 92.9155
171.7026 92.8005
174.2718 92.6846
176.8410 92.5675
179.4103 92.4494
181.9795 92.3301
184.5487 92.2097
187.1179 92.0881
189.6871 91.9654
192.2563 91.8412
194.8255 91.7155
197.3947 91.5876
199.9639 91.4568
202.5331 91.3219
205.1023 91.1807
207.6716 91.0298
210.2408 90.8644
212.8100 90.6775
215.3792 90.4597
217.9484 90.1990
220.5176 89.8813
223.0868 89.4902
225.6560 89.0095
228.2252 88.4239
230.7944 87.7217
233.3636 86.8972
235.9329 85.9526
238.5021 84.8991
241.0713 83.7572
243.6405 82.5553
246.2097 81.3275
248.7789 80.1090
251.3481 78.9332
253.9173 77.8266
256.4865 76.8060
259.0557 75.8763
261.6249 75.0296
264.1941 74.2459
266.7634 73.4944
269.3326 72.7371
271.9018 71.9321
274.4710 71.0376
277.0402 70.0171
279.6094 68.8433
282.1786 67.5020
284.7478 65.9949
287.3170 64.3403
289.8862 62.5727
292.4555 60.7391
295.0247 58.8944
297.5939 57.0951
300.1631 55.3936
302.7323 53.8331
305.3015 52.4432
307.8707 51.2394
310.4399 50.2228
313.0091 49.3828
315.5783 48.7001
318.1475 48.1504
320.7168 47.7080
323.2860 47.3483
325.8552 47.0494
328.4244 46.7934
330.9936 46.5664
333.5628 46.3580
336.1320 46.1611
338.7012 45.9709
341.2704 45.7844
343.8396 45.5994
346.4088 45.4150
348.9781 45.2306
351.5473 45.0460
354.1165 44.8608
356.6857 44.6750
359.2549 44.4886
361.8241 44.3016
364.3933 44.1138
366.9625 43.9254
369.5317 43.7364
372.1009 43.5468
374.6701 43.3566
377.2394 43.1657
379.8086 42.9742
382.3778 42.7822
384.9470 42.5896
387.5162 42.3963
390.0854 42.2025
392.6546 42.0080
395.2238 41.8129
397.7930 41.6172
400.3622 41.4210
402.9314 41.2243
405.5007 41.0269
408.0699 40.8289
410.6391 40.6303
413.2083 40.4312
415.7775 40.2316
418.3467 40.0313
420.9159 39.8304
423.4851 39.6289
426.0543 39.4269
428.6235 39.2243
431.1927 39.0211
433.7619 38.8173
436.3312 38.6129
438.9004 38.4079
441.4696 38.2023
444.0388 37.9961
446.6080 37.7893
449.1772 37.5818
451.7464 37.3737
454.3156 37.1649
456.8848 36.9556
459.4540 36.7456
462.0232 36.5349
464.5925 36.3235
467.1617 36.1115
469.7309 35.8989
472.3001 35.6855
474.8693 35.4714
477.4385 35.2566
480.0077 35.0410
482.5769 34.8248
485.1461 34.6078
487.7153 34.3900
490.2845 34.1716
492.8538 33.9523
495.4230 33.7322
497.9922 33.5114
500.5614 33.2897
503.1306 33.0672
505.6998 32.8440
508.2690 32.6198
510.8382 32.3947
513.4074 32.1687
515.9766 31.9418
518.5458 31.7140
521.1151 31.4852
523.6843 31.2556
526.2535 31.0250
528.8227 30.7935
531.3919 30.5609
533.9611 30.3274
536.5303 30.0928
539.0995 29.8571
541.6687 29.6205
544.2379 29.3828
546.8071 29.1440
549.3764 28.9040
551.9456 28.6629
554.5148 28.4207
557.0840 28.1773
559.6532 27.9328
562.2224 27.6870
564.7916 27.4400
567.3608 27.1918
569.9300 26.9423
572.4992 26.6916
575.0684 26.4396
577.6377 26.1864
580.2069 25.9317
582.7761 25.6757
585.3453 25.4185
587.9145 25.1598
590.4837 24.8998
593.0529 24.6383
595.6221 24.3755
598.1913 24.1113
600.7605 23.8455
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lkb0221 Posted - 05/02/2014 : 3:11:16 PM
the weight loss of the 1st step is the difference between the first point in your data and xi1, right?
And the last weight loss is between xi2 and the last point.

Besides, PWL3 only separate the curve into 3 segments. So if you have more than 3 steps in your curve, either do partial fit step by step, or build a user-defined fitting curve just like PWL3 but with higher order.
mohamed1986 Posted - 05/02/2014 : 2:29:04 PM
Thanks much for your kind help.
I have performed all the steps with the attached example but it gave me only one step or weight loss although it has 3 steps.

lkb0221 Posted - 05/02/2014 : 2:01:53 PM

You can NLFit the curve by function Piecewise:PWL3 to find the slope changing points (xi1 & xi2). Then throught find Y by X to get corresponding Y values. The weight loss is the difference between the Y values.
All the above can be implemented by building a analysis template.


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