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 Clustering data from a graph

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carmi Posted - 05/06/2014 : 11:02:33 AM
Origin Ver 9.0 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:win 8.1 64 bit

I have a set of data that can be classify quite easily only by using the graph results.
My question is:
How can I color or cluster the data into 3 or more groups and having them on a different color directly from the graph?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 05/07/2014 : 12:14:24 PM
Hi carmi,

If you are using OriginPro, you can try the following procedure to use the Cluster gadget: (Let's assume the worksheet hasA(X), B(Y), and you made a scatter plot from it.)
1) Add a column (C) for the color indexing to the worksheet.
2) Double-click the plot, and in Plot Details dialog, set the Symbol Color to Index:Col(C)
3) Using Cluster tool, mask the area of a group (as many times as you like to cover all desired regions).
  (You can press "Change Mask Color" button to choose the masking color to distinguish.)
4) Use Set Column Values tool for this new 3rd column with the formula: 
   col(2)<i>==1?<color#>:col(3)[i]  with the Recalculation Mode=None
   (See the list of colors at )
5) Right-click the Y column, and choose "Mask>Remove" flyout to clear the mask
6) Repeat 3)-5) to cover all groups.

Hope this also helps.

--Hideo Fujii
snowli Posted - 05/06/2014 : 4:49:05 PM
Since you have to classify data in graph, here is one workaround:
1. With graph window active, use the regional data selector to select each region.
2. Do Ctrl+C to copy the data in that region and go to another worksheet to paste it in. The X Y datasets will be pasted. Make sure the columns are set as X and Y respectively.
3. You can use this method to copy all regions and paste to the same worksheets. Then highlight all these XYXYXY columns and plot a new graph.

Thanks, Snow
lkb0221 Posted - 05/06/2014 : 4:06:51 PM

Well... Sorry but currently there is no way to do this on graph.
You might have to create a new column for color info in the worksheet data side.

We will see what we can do to improve this in the future.
I created

carmi Posted - 05/06/2014 : 12:25:39 PM
First, thanks for your reply
Your suggestion is good for a little amount of data, using the ctrl means to pick them one by one.
My case is different, I have huge amount of dots, picking them like that is not practical, is there any other way?
thanks again

lkb0221 Posted - 05/06/2014 : 11:40:24 AM

You can hold Ctrl to select multiple data point and then use the tool bar to set their color. The idea is to treat them as special points. But it will not label your data in worksheet for further analysis. And it will mess up your Plot Details dialog because in the end, almost all of your data points will become special points.

BTW, graph is just a visual way to represent your data, so the better way is still try to build a new column to mark data by your criteria. After that, you can set color index easily.


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