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 Add formatting to table without rich text style

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bur2000 Posted - 08/18/2014 : 08:08:57 AM
I added a table to a diagram. When I enter text in the table that contains formatting, it isn't displayed properly but just as text.

For example, when I enter \b(a) in the table, it is written exactly like that, not as a bold a. This applies to both the table sheet and the table in the diagram.

When I change the table's data style via the context menu to Rich Text, the formatting is used correctly. However, I'd prefer if I could see the raw text in the original table, but the formatted version in the diagram. Like it is for Long Names in workbooks. Is that possible?
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snowli Posted - 08/19/2014 : 11:56:55 AM

After set the Data style as Rick Text, you don't need to type \b(a) in worksheet cells.

You can enter the text and then use the Format toolbar to do bold, italic, superscript/subscript, greek, etc.

You can also double click the text in cell to go into inplace edit mode. Then select a portion of text to format that part only.

Click Update Table will update the table in graph accordingly.

Thanks, Snow
OriginLab Corp.
bur2000 Posted - 08/19/2014 : 07:08:01 AM
Ok, thanks. The problem is, that this makes editing table cells using "origin markup" a little bothersome. First I have to disable Rich Text Data Style, do the editing, then reenable it.

If I don't disable Rich Text before editing, Origin won't accept \b(a) entries, it will automatically replace them with \\b(a). Formatting is only possible using the menu buttons. Which admittedly works, so it's no big problem, but still... ;)
greg Posted - 08/18/2014 : 09:12:24 AM
It is not possible.
Text objects on a graph that refer to cells in a sheet that contain text substitution formatting work because the object has substitution, but a table object is literally an image of the referenced table sheet, so it will always look the same.

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