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 Box in plot size

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EasyE Posted - 08/25/2014 : 11:25:59 AM
7.5 SR6, Windows 7.
Hello. When I do plots line or scatter the actual size of the X and Y axis varies from plot to plot. I would like to have all my plots same size for publication purposes. How do I accomplish same size plots from different worksheets?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EasyE Posted - 08/27/2014 : 11:50:20 AM
Hello greg,

Themes worked for me. I do not know about Themes but I just clicked on one of the Themes and applied to all my plots, it did mess the line colors but finally my plot are same actual size when exporting.

Thanks a lot!

EasyE Posted - 08/27/2014 : 11:09:47 AM
Hello greg and others,

I have already set dimension (Format Layer inch) and equal parameters in Format Layer and plots still are not same size. I would like to explain in a totally different way what I mean by same actual size. When I print (or copy paste) two plots from different worksheets I expect the X and Y axis to physically overlap each other exactly and regardless of the physical quantities I am plotting.


greg Posted - 08/27/2014 : 10:46:43 AM
I assume you have already calibrated Windows dpi value so that it displays objects 'actual size'. (Makes no sense to me, but some people go through this step.)
Regardless, when you use Origin's Full Screen option (Ctrl+Shift+J), the image you see has absolutely nothing to do with actual size since it is stretched/shrunk to fit the screen.
Even in Origin, you never see your graphs in 'actual size' since the image of the graph stretches/shrinks to fit the graph window.

The one case where 'actual size' has any meaning on screen is if you:
Set Layer : [Size/Speed] : Units to a physical unit (inch, cm, mm, point)
Export a graph using any of the raster types (bmp, jpg, png, etc.) at the 'correct' dpi setting.
(On my monitor, using my unadjusted windows dpi settings, I have to use 90dpi.)
When you look at that image on your monitor in a program that can be told not to scale the image, the dimensions should be correct on screen.

I would suggest a System Theme which just had layer dimensions and units exactly the the way you want.
EasyE Posted - 08/27/2014 : 09:53:00 AM
Dear cdrozdowski111,

I will try that for next publication of mine. Right now I have way to many plots to be redoing them using template. I am actually familiar with templates so thanks for pointing it out to me.

I tried settings in Format Page and Format Layer but even with same parameters in these settings the plots have actually different actual length (actual length is the one you measure with a ruler).


cdrozdowski111 Posted - 08/26/2014 : 3:06:40 PM
Perhaps Graph Templates are what you are looking for. You create one graph laid out exactly as you want,and then save it as a template. Then you can use that template when creating new graphs and they will have the same layout.

See below for more information:
EasyE Posted - 08/26/2014 : 09:12:46 AM
Dear Sean,

Yes, let me explain better. The window of an individual plot can be maximized to the size of my computer screen, this is in Origin. When I measure with an actual ruler the size of the X and Y axis the ruler shows me different X-axis and Y-axis values for different plots. So this is what I mean with actual size of the axis, the one you measure with a ruler. What I need is to have plots from different worksheets to measure the same with the ruler, regardless of the physical quantity I may have on X-and-Y-axis. Hope that helps.


SeanMao Posted - 08/26/2014 : 02:30:45 AM

I am not so sure what you meant about the "actual size of the X axis", did you mean the scale of X axis like all keep as from 10 to 20 for X axis?

If not, can you explain in details about your situation?




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