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 Contour Plot Question

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greywind21 Posted - 09/02/2014 : 4:05:40 PM

I hope that everyones day is going well. I had 2 quick questions about contour plots, and if anyone knew how to answer them I would be grateful.

1. I am doing a contour plot that is 20 x 100 in dimension (y and x). However, when Origin plots this, it does it as a square. Is there a way to preserve the original dimensions?

2. I would like to make a contour plot, then overlay it with a scatter of data points. Would it be possible to merge a contour plot with, say, a scatter plot?

If anyone could answer these I would be quite grateful. Thank you in advance for your help!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 09/03/2014 : 08:46:38 AM
If you have 9.1 and your Matrix XY Mapping is proportional to your dimension units, then you can use the "Link Axis Length to Scale (isometric)" check box on the Size/Speed tab at the Layer level of Plot Details to achieve graph dimensions proportional to units.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 09/02/2014 : 4:54:39 PM
Hi greywind21,

> 1. I am doing a contour plot that is 20 x 100 in dimension (y and x). However, when Origin plots this, it does it as a square. Is there a way to preserve the original dimensions?

You can choose the layer's Plot Details dialog ("Format: Layer Properties" menu), "Size/Speed" tab, and select specific measuremt unit like "Inch" rather than "% of Page", and set the values of Width and Height in the ratio of 1:5 (as of 20:100).

> 2. I would like to make a contour plot, then overlay it with a scatter of data points. Would it be possible to merge a contour plot with, say, a scatter plot?

Contour is a 2D plot, so you can include the scatter to the layer as you do for the other plot types via Plot Setup dialog or Layer Contents dialog (assuming both the contour and scatter have the same scale; Also, scatter plot should be in front of the contour plot, and if not, you can change the drawing order also from Plot Setup, or from Layer Contents).

--Hideo Fujii

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