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 Pointer accuracy

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Craters Posted - 09/20/2014 : 9:48:29 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release OriginPro 9.1.0 SR3 (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows 7 (64-bit)

Hi, Everybody --

I'm having trouble selecting objects that aren't all that close together on a graph. It seems that the actual point that the selection pointer (the arrow) thinks it's pointing to is a significant distance from the actual point that it seems to be pointing at on the screen. I'm not sure how to quantify that other than to say that the distance is roughly the length of the selection arrow's head.

I'm working on a fairly small panel of a larger graph, and I have to zoom in on it to work on it effectively. (Geezer eyes, you see.) The pointing inaccuracy, though, seems to be independent of the degree of enlargement.

Is there a way to improve the thing's pointing accuracy, by any chance?

Thanks for your time!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Craters Posted - 09/22/2014 : 11:47:25 PM
Hi, Jason --

In this case, it was a simple vertical line between two pieces of two-character text, kind of like this:

µm | mm

I would get right on top of the vertical line and click, but the program would invariably select either the µm or the mm. The zoom level was at 400%, which was plenty high enough to work comfortably with the figure.

Thanks for replying!
jasonzhao Posted - 09/22/2014 : 05:03:35 AM

As you pointed out, you are working on a fairly small panel of a large graph, in order to select the specified object; you have to zoom in the graph. So, would you like to tell us what kind of object you want to select?
If the object is plotted by data (such as scatters), you can try the "Scale In" tool to further magnify the scatter, until they are distinguishable. Link below shows example about Scale In.

If the object drawn by tools (such as Rectangle tool), only "Zoom In" tool available with a maximum 16 times magnification, sometimes, the selection of small object may be rather difficult. Or you can provide figure to illustrate your problem, so we can offer specific assist.

Best regards,
Jason Zhao
OriginLab Tech Service

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