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 problems using of ALT+GR+symbol in plot labels

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BTC Posted - 08/09/2002 : 03:34:03 AM
When trying to directly enter data into the plot labels in Orgin 7.0273 (German Version), it is not possible to use Alt+Gr+Symbol, i.e. for entering "[" or "]".
However, when trying the same over the plot label settings menu, it is possible.
Is there a patch for this bug?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 09/05/2002 : 10:31:36 AM
Dear BTC,


This is a known problem (QA#1391), and we don't have a definite idea when it would be fixed.

Good news for German version users! Regarding this Alt+Gr+Symbol problem to enter {, }, @, EURO, etc. will be solved in the comming German Service Release 2(GSR2). We expect that we release this GSR2 sometime soon, hopefully in next week!

Best wishes,

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 08/09/2002 : 09:48:03 AM
This is a known problem (QA#1391), and we don't have a definite idea when it would be fixed. To work around the problem, you can either use the symbol map (set the font properly) or use the keyboard shortcuts with ALT key plus numbers on the numeric keypad such as:

{ : ALT+0123
[ : ALT+091
] : ALT+093
} : ALT+0125
~ : ALT+0126
@ : ALT+064
EURO : ALT+0128

Please try, and I hope that this eases your inconvenience.


Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 08/09/2002 09:51:13 AM

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