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 Response lag typoing with networked Origin 6.1

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
peter.cook Posted - 08/09/2002 : 05:10:22 AM

Can anyone offer any clues as to why I get a noticeable delay or lag when simply typing data (eg worksheet) or text (eg script window) using the networked version of Origin 6.1? This doesn't occur with a local install.

(I have a demo avi file)



4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
peter.cook Posted - 08/19/2002 : 11:44:25 AM

I believe this does eliminate the lag/delay (and the toolbars!)!
Obviously puzzled as to the connection!



ML Posted - 08/14/2002 : 2:02:28 PM
Hi Peter,

Can you do a simple experiment: hide all toolbars and see if the problem goes away (I am not suggesting that you do this permanently; only as a test).


peter.cook Posted - 08/14/2002 : 04:06:44 AM
Hi Lorraine,

Thanks for reply.

I have not noticed this with any other client server applications. It has behaved this way for a while albeit not always reproducible. There may be a correlation with our network performance on the day. What I don't understand is why there would any 'general' lag/delay in repsonding to user input eg typing in the script window and entering data into the worksheet. If I highlight the end of text in the script window and drag the highlighted area to the beginning again this lag is painfully evident but I can use the shift key then scroll to the beginning, click and instant highlight! Odd.

Code performance is not the issue here - though mentioned OGS file caching is most welcome. I had understood from previous correspondence/discussion that this wasn't going to happen.



Lorraine Posted - 08/13/2002 : 4:46:21 PM
Hello, I just have a couple questions:

1. Does it happen with other applications run in client/server mode over the network?
2. Has it just started happening or has it always behaved this way?

Just to let you know, Origin 7 SR1 fully implements OGS file caching from server to client on an as used in current Origin session basis. This might help improve general client performance on the network.

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