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 Available data in plot setup window

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nathanzhu Posted - 11/20/2014 : 2:17:28 PM
Origin Ver. 8.5 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:Windows 7

I am working with a relatively large project with a lot of worksheets and sub folders. Under plot setup window, is there a way to set the available data to be worksheets in a folder and include its sub folders? Or, it would be even better if I can specify specific folder(s) to choose data from.

Thanks. Any idea would be appreciated.
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nathanzhu Posted - 11/20/2014 : 8:45:58 PM
Thanks! Good to know they have made some changes.

Originally posted by snowli


In later versions, instead of using Plot Setup dialog to plot data from multiple worksheets, you can use Layer Contents dialog.

On left panel of Layer Contents dialog, you can show and short by folder names. Then you can easily select Y data in folder and subfolders together to plot.

But Layer Contents has limitations such as it can only show Y or Z columns. Can only control one layer at a time.

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 11/20/2014 : 5:26:09 PM

In later versions, instead of using Plot Setup dialog to plot data from multiple worksheets, you can use Layer Contents dialog.

On left panel of Layer Contents dialog, you can show and short by folder names. Then you can easily select Y data in folder and subfolders together to plot.

But Layer Contents has limitations such as it can only show Y or Z columns. Can only control one layer at a time.

Thanks, Snow
nathanzhu Posted - 11/20/2014 : 3:15:27 PM
Thanks. That's one way to do it. Hope they can add this feature in the future.

Originally posted by cpyang

The simplest that I can think of is to find the book of interest and add that to the Favorites folder. Then in plot setup, you can choose Worksheets in Favorites. This way you can keep your data organized but the short cuts added to Favorites can be easily deleted later if not needed anymore and others can be added into Favorites also easily.


cpyang Posted - 11/20/2014 : 2:31:48 PM
The simplest that I can think of is to find the book of interest and add that to the Favorites folder. Then in plot setup, you can choose Worksheets in Favorites. This way you can keep your data organized but the short cuts added to Favorites can be easily deleted later if not needed anymore and others can be added into Favorites also easily.


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