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 Locate data point nearest inflection point

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BryanK Posted - 11/23/2014 : 5:11:16 PM
Origin 9, Windows 7

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good piece of code / function to find the attached point on a series of graphs.

I was thinking that this is a point of inflection and there is an ocmath_find_inflection_point function, but I don't understand all the parameters, namely xc and w. Is this the correct function to locate the point in red (or the closest data point to it)?

Is there a better way to locate this point?

Once I have identified the x coord, I will set that as my zero via a horizontal shift so all plots show the same start regardless of the raw x-axis.

Thanks for your thoughts,
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lkb0221 Posted - 11/24/2014 : 10:29:30 AM
Hi, Bryank

maybe you can try doing a differentiate on this signal and find where the max value of 1st order derivative is.

BryanK Posted - 11/24/2014 : 07:02:52 AM
Thanks for your reply Kathy.

The exact value of Y also changes. What I do know is that this point (or location) is always about 2/3 less than the peak of the maximum (shown on the curve).

If I use this levelcrossing tool to 2/3(max(y)), it could work. Is it possible to automate this tool with BatchImport?


Originally posted by Kathy_Wang

If you know the Y value of the point, you could use the levelcrossing tool in Origin:

Otherwise, you need to know the criteria to define the point, for example if it is an inflection point, its second derivative should be 0?


Kathy_Wang Posted - 11/24/2014 : 03:56:07 AM
If you know the Y value of the point, you could use the levelcrossing tool in Origin:

Otherwise, you need to know the criteria to define the point, for example if it is an inflection point, its second derivative should be 0?


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