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 Plot Multiple multi-curves

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Keulz Posted - 12/12/2014 : 09:09:29 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1
Operating System: win 8

Hello everyone,

I would like some help to plot some curves.
Context : i'm studying a material in sheets of different thicknesses (let's say 50 80 and 100). For each thickness i do several measurement over the time at different stresses.

What i would like to have is a 3D plot with on X the time, Y the strain and Z the thickness so i would obtain 3 different multi curves, on multi at 50, etc.

Is that possible ? Tried the waterfall but can't do it. :/

Thank you for your time.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 12/18/2014 : 5:24:53 PM
Dear Florent,

Thank you for sending the data. My colleague has emailed you two solutions. One is plotting your data as xyz lines but later we found an easier way to plot it as waterfall directly.

We would like to check with you if it's OK to include your graph in our waterfall graphs collection on our Graph Gallery online.

I think it's a nice addition which shows Origin supports plotting multiple waterfalls on the same Z position.

Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.
snowli Posted - 12/12/2014 : 12:57:25 PM

Could you email your data to so we could better understand how the data are organized and how to plot it?

Thanks, Snow
OriginLab Corp.

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