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 export txt file to origin

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Zati Posted - 12/15/2014 : 03:34:38 AM
I would like to plot a NMR graph which I have integrated using TOPSPIN software. I manage to get txt file from Topspin. but from the txt file, it only give value for Y (see image) axis

How am I going to plot the NMR graph in origin if i have no x value. Please someone advise me.

Thank you, Zati
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cdrozdowski111 Posted - 12/16/2014 : 08:57:15 AM

I don't have Origin 6 installed but you can try this.

Once you have your data in column 2, open the Script Window. Add the following script, select it all, and press the Enter key to run it.

The first three variables are the values based on the image in your initial post.

It should populate column 1 with data starting with the "LEFT" value to the "RIGHT" value with the number of rows being the same as the "SIZE" value.

double dX1 = 220.01409912109375;
double dX2 = -18.90661953002647;
double dNumPts = 32768;
double dInt = (dX2 - dX1)/(dNumPts - 1);
col(1) = data(dX1, dX2, dInt);

I would suggest that, since you are very new to Origin, you considering trying the latest version (Origin 2015). Considering that there is much to be learned, you might as well learn by using the most recent version rather than investing time learning in a considerably older, more limited, version.
Zati Posted - 12/16/2014 : 01:07:04 AM

I am facing a problem to locate the sampling interval maybe as I used the older version of Origin 6.0.Is that the reason?

I am a new comer, thank you for your help Zheng.
lkb0221 Posted - 12/15/2014 : 09:41:00 AM

Once you bring those data into Origin, you can right click the Y column header and select Set Sampling Interval.

Or, just create a X column manually by patterned data, according to the X info.

If there is no X founded, the data plot will use row index number as auto X.


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