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 Embed JPG files in graphs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ede_123 Posted - 12/16/2014 : 05:44:17 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release: 9.1.0 (64-bit) Sr1
Operating System: Windows 7 Proffessional (64-bit)

Hi all,

I want to include a JPG image in a graph (I don't want to import the data or the like; just put the image "as-is" in the corner of the plot).

I found a possibility to add the image via "File -> Import -> Insert Images From File".
However it turns out that upon export of the graph in a vector format (e.g. .eps or .wmf) the file size of the exported file becomes unreasonably large: While the original JPG is only ~200 KB in size, the resulting graph is ~5-10 MB (depending on exact export settings).

Is there a way to embed the JPG "as-is", that means without changing the compression of the image? I assume Origin is converting the image to a BMP format upon import, which is (without compression) naturally much larger than the original JPG...

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ede_123 Posted - 12/18/2014 : 09:08:48 AM
Thanks, this is an acceptable workaround when exporting to PDF format.

Unfortunately it doesn't solve the issue when exporting to other vector formats.
Especially when using Microsoft Products one's forced to use EPS or WMF to be able to import a graph into a document since one can't import PDF graphics (That's actually a bad decision by Microsoft, since PDF is fine otherwise, but it's something that has to be worked around somehow).
jasonzhao Posted - 12/17/2014 : 9:52:05 PM

Compression is supported for PDF export currently.

You can try to use pdf export as a workaround.

Best regards,
Jason Zhao
OriginLab Tech Service
Ede_123 Posted - 12/17/2014 : 05:13:23 AM
Would you like to send your OPJ with image inserted graph to <> so we can identify the problem.

Sure, I sent a testcase.
Basically this happens with every JPG file though...
jasonzhao Posted - 12/16/2014 : 8:57:39 PM

Would you like to send your OPJ with image inserted graph to <>
so we can identify the problem.

Best regards,
Jason Zhao
OriginLab Tech Service

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